Surprise Visit

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!!TW/CW: Mentions of Death, Minor Panic Attack, Minor Claustrophobia!!

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Jimmy was confused.

He'd recently had the epiphany that he was in love with every fibre of Scott's being. And Scott tolerated him at least enough to invite him on a date. That was as much as he knew, however.

They hadn't really talked much about them after the sun went down. And during, they'd sat in content silence.

Scott had followed through with his promise and bought him a milk-free shrimp cupcake from his local bakery. The elf running the stall gave them a weird look and Scott's kind demeanour dropped and the lighthearted 'Jimmy's turned to stern 'Codfather's.

It had been four days since then. He'd been much too busy running the Swamp Empire to think about what the date meant. And finally, standing awkwardly on the tailors podium, he could think and reflect.

He made an appointment to get his pants refitted when he'd gotten home and seen the too small pair thrown haphazardly over his bed.

Scott was perfect. He was tall and smart and kind. He needed to work on how he treated others, sure, but Jimmy could help with that. Jimmy would help him with that.

The first time Jimmy had followed Lizzie into the House Blossom Alliance meetings, he was in awe. Scott was a lot younger, then, and he was still just as beautiful. He wasn't afraid to laugh with the other rulers and tried his best to make satisfactory trade deals; Within a month, he'd shut off completely, becoming cold and hateful. No one had the heart to ask what was wrong. Not even jimmy.

Sometimes, Jimmy saw the kindhearted side of Scott. Like when Katherine was showing them around her newest garden, or when a Rivendell delivery owl had gotten lost and showed up at the alliance meeting. Maybe that was when he fell. He fell for the hidden sides of Scott that very few people ever saw.

Scott was protective and brave. Even if he pretended not to like the other rulers, he'd thrown himself in front of them countless times. He remembered the time Scott had charged a ravager threatening Shrub's people. Or the first time Xornoth had appeared, Scott had stepped in front of all twelve emperors and spread his wings to cover them. Maybe that was why he loved Scott.

Scott was strong. Katherine had come with the terrible news that her younger sister had passed from an incurable disease. Her sister had been quite popular among the rulers and not even Scott could pretend he didn't enjoy her presence; She would make a few appearances at Katherine's side during alliance meetings. Not a single king or queen left without tears on their cheeks. Lizzie and Scott had made rounds of the table, offering hugs and gentle soothings. Scott had torn pieces of his cape off to drape gently over his fellow rulers' heads, something about keeping their dignity even in trying times. He'd stayed behind and held Katherine close to his chest as she sobbed. Maybe that was when he'd first loved Scott.

Jimmy didn't particularly care when he'd really fallen. He just knew that he had and that he would continue to.

His train of thought was interrupted by a needle poking into his thigh.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Codfather!" The seamstress gasped, pressing a comforting hand over the prick.

Jimmy sighed, "Jules, I'm fine. My scales are tougher than you think. And, how many times have I told you to call me Jimmy?"

"Right, I'm so sorry, Sir Cod- uhh, Jimmy-"

There was a light knock on the door.

"Come in," Jimmy snickered as Jules caught her breath.

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