Casual - Chappell roan

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Nicks POV:

I'm at a party with the truham sixth form and about half of these guys are either making out with blonde girls from their friend group or puking in the plants. I've had about three beers so I'm not really drunk enough to be here and In all honesty I'd rather be home, which is why I decide to leave. "OI! Nick!" Harry's voice sounds over the loud music. " yeah?" I say, faking a smile. " you leaving already mate?" "Yeah uhm... I'm quite tired and I have a test in the morning so I should real get going haha" I lie. "NERD" harry yells as he puts a hand around my shoulder and pushes me towards him, he smells like shit. "Well bye then nerd Nelson" really. Out of all 'nerd Nelson' damn I need new friends. Anyways, I walk home and get out my phone to text Charlie. Charlie is a guy from my school who I've been hooking up with and now I've kinda started liking him but I don't know what to do because he doesn't seem like he likes me like that.

Nick: wanna come over?
Charlie: yeah sure, I'll be there in 10 
Nick: yay

I run the rest of the way home. When I get home my mum makes me a cup of tea to bring to my room and well, wait. Charlie knocks on the door a few minutes later. "Hey" I say, nervously. "Hi" he smilies. We walk to my room and make out. This has been going on for like a month now and people have started getting curious about the way we act when we're in school but what the fuck do I do about it? Honestly I wanna do nothing because the way he's kissing my neck right now makes me ignorant to anything else. he goes down on me till i cum and he swallows, then I guess he decides we need to talk about how to do this whole thing. "nick listen. I don't know about you but I think it'll be best if we just keep it casual, like no attachment." oh. is this how he feels about me? I'm just a fucking fuck and go to him. Honestly I'm not surprised.

"I told you nick." Imogen says when I tell her about last night. Imogen is my best friend, ive known her since middle school and she's always been there for me when I need her, which is why I dragged her to the rugby field to eat lunch and gossip. She knows about me and Charlie and calls me a loser because she knows I'm wasting my time on him but literally being rejected by him is like......ouch. We continue gossiping until lunch is over and then I go to my maths class and Imogen goes to hide in the bathroom to survive her chem class, valid. I check my phone in the middle of class because who gives a fuck about maths.

Charlie: My car, after class.

Oh shit. well, can't say no to that. I finish maths and check the time about 200 times and run to the parking lot and find his little black fiat with the little curly haired boy waiting patiently inside. We fumble around and somehow I get curled up under the dashboard with Charlie on the passenger seat and suck his dick.

when I get back to my English class I sit beside a guy I think is called remy? "hey..nick err is it true you and Charlie are hooking up?" I freeze. HOW? WHO?. "oh.. uhm yes" "oh okay, it's just that everyone is talking about you and him in the art room last week" oh. "uhm haha yeah..." my face is bright red right now. If people know about the art room do they also know about the dinner with charlies parents and us in the bathroom? or how his mum invited me to their house in dover? all I know is that Charlie gossiped or Imogen did. When school is over I find Imogen and she tells me she didn't tell anyone and I believe her cause she wouldn't. Honestly it doesn't matter to me that people know about us all that matters is that I need to find a way to get these feelings to fuck off. 

I know he tells his friends we're just hooking up and I guess we are but it just feels like more. I try to give him space and keep it Casual but I'm not like that. Im not sure I can keep this going if he really doesn't want me. I have to end this.

Nick: can we talk?

Charlie: okay sure

I call him.

"whats up!" 

"well uhm Charlie listen. I like you and I know you don't like me back but I can't keep doing.... whatever it is we're doing if I can't have all of you" there's a pause.

"oh, uhm."

thats it? what the fuck. He just hung up? Im so pissed right now.

I walk to his house and knock on his door, he opens and sight. " What." he says annoyed. "Seriously ? I tell you I like you and you just hang up?". "Okay lets go to my room" we walk up to his room and I continue "nick listen. Of course I fucking like you. That's why ive been a bitch, I couldn't tell you cause I can't just like a guy out of my league. "OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?" "Nick, you're far too ...well nerdy and weird for me" oh. my. god. "Tell me you're joking." he makes a face that says he's not. So I leave, I storm out and shut the door and block him and cry. How could I let it go this far? What is that boy on.

I tell Imogen about it and she asks if I'm okay and I say no. Then she asks if I wanna egg his car and I say yes. We walk to the shop and get eggs and smash them on his car like crazy, while I scream about how much I hate him.


guysssssssss!!!!!!😭 its been so long I miss writing!

I decided to start making some chapters inspired by songs and this was "casual" By Chappell roan! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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