13. London.

945 7 1

- This chapter contains about 1.k more words than my usual chapters, as a celebration of 6k.
- sorry for the delay u guys 😭 this chapter just took so long.
- I updated the POV font !!!
( Friday)
This weekend Charlie, Maja, Hannah & I are going to London to do some shopping and stuff. We are all excited as fuck because we haven't seen Maja and Hannah in ages, or at least 2 months.
But sadly we have a family dinner at my mums tonight to get over first. Don't get me wrong I love my family but the problem is, david will be there, and so will he's girlfriend. I absolutely HATE he's girlfriend. She's so homophobic it's literally pathetic. But so is David so that's nothing new.
We get there half an hour early because my mum called and asked if we would mind coming over to help get her place ready for guests. What she didn't tell us was that David would be there. I shoot her a look of " what the fuck", she replies with a apologetic downward smile. " oh look who arrived ! The gays" David Huffs in a sarcastic tone, " ha ha very funny" I say, stone faced. " nick can I talk to you for a sec?" My mum asks, she quickly gets interrupted by my dad walking in the door as if this was completely normal. I don't hate him, I'm fact I think he might start liking me a little more than he used to.
I walk over and learn In to a " hug" ( basically just my head on his shoulder for 5 seconds)

( in French )
Nick : hi dad oh my god what are you doing here?!
Nick's dad : well I wanted to surprise my favorite boy!". He says and scuffs me off him and runs to David. My eyes widen and my throat starts to close up. " what?" I say in a tiny voice. I can hear them talk about so much random shit, that's when I feel a hand pull me to the hallway, up the stairs, and inside my old room. Charlie's hand. When we enter the room I turn to face him, he looks so pissed but not at me, my dad. " what the actual fuck" he huffs out the air, " I-" I say, looking to the ground, watery eyes.
Tears starts to fall down my cheeks and I fall to the floor in pure terror of my dad, this shouldn't get to me, why is it bothering me like this? " it's okay" Charlie whispers as he holds me tightly.

We sit there for about 10 minutes and then we sit on the bed and talk a bit, we talk about the last time we saw Hannah and Maja which reminds me of the diary. Not the one Charlie found but one I wrote before I even met him. " wait here" I say, as I walk to my closet to get it. As I return I decide to turn to one specific page. The page where I talk about my dad.
I read it out loud:

" I saw him yesterday, he pretended I wasn't there. I am invisible to him. I always will be, that's actually a underestimation in fact I think I will always be the child he wishes was never born. And so do I. I wish I wasn't born, ever. I don't have any real friends, I don't have a girlfriend, I don't have anyone other than my mum." I shut the book. I can't read anymore of that.
" nick.." Charlie whispers, sad and softly.
" I know" I reply in the weakest voice I have ever spoken.
So we hug and cuddle for 10 more minutes before we decide to make a plan for tonight.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:
We have been eating for about an hour now and Nick's family seems a little too interested in me and Nick's relationship. Throughout the whole thing Nick and I have been counting down till the clock hits exactly 7:00 pm.
It does.
" so." Nick says, directly to David and his dad.
" mind if we go upstairs and have a talk?" He asks.
They look confused but reply with a " sure?".
I give Sarah a little " show time" nod ( she's in on the plan) and she excuses herself and we walk off with nick and his disgusting dad and brother.
When we they get to his room they sit on the bed.
" I wanted to talk to you about my relationship with charlie." He says " I just need ur honest opinion" he says. I know damn well that what I'm about to hear now is gonna crash every piece of confidence I have in me.
His dad laughs.
" are you seriously asking me what I think about ur little disgusting, depressed and attention seeking boyfriend?" His dad laughs. "Yes."
" record" I whisper to sarah.
Our plan is to get as much hate out of nicks dad as we possibly can and obviously show it to the entire family afterwards.
" well. I think he deserves nothing, he is ruining ur chances of getting a hot girlfriend and a well earned career."

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