S1 Chapter 14: Amelia's test and Nemesis Prime's evolution

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The Awesome Titans tests has begun as the first one to face Minicon Refute is Amelia and her transformer partner Minicon Ravage.

Ravage: We must be careful Amelia. Refute is a tough opponent and isn't going to be easy to beat.

Amelia: Got it.

Refute: Let the battle begin.

Amelia: Minicons Combine! Ravage Transform!

Ravage appeared on the battlefield to battle Refute

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Ravage appeared on the battlefield to battle Refute. Ravage charges at Refute but he dodges and  punches Ravage lowering some of his attack points.

Amelia: Ok for an elder Minincon he's tough. Ability Activate: Minicon Impact!

Minicon Ravage atk level:1700+400=2100

Ravage fired his missiles at Refute.

Refute: Energon Shield!

Refute summoned his shield and blocked the attack.

Amelia:(surprised) No way!

Max and the others were watching the battle.

Aiden: For one thing Refute is one tough Minicon.

Waspinator jumped on Aiden's shoulder.

Waspinator: Well Refute has fought in many battles.

Predaking: Waspinator's right. Refute maybe old but he is not to be taken lightly in battle.

Max and the others continued to watch the battle.


Kevin was battling Zeke that's when Nemesis started to feel power coursing within his body.

Zeke: (confused) What's going on?

Kevin: Is it not obvious Zeke? Nemesis Prime is evolving.

His teammates were surprised to hear that as Nemesis Prime was covered in concrete as Nemesis's body was changing. The concrete started to crack as purple flames burst out from the concrete revealing to be Nemesis Prime but he now looked completely different. He now had missile launchers on both his shoulders and he was looking robust.

 He now had missile launchers on both his shoulders and he was looking robust

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