Season 1 Chapter 11: Arrival of the Dark Spark and clash of the primes

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In deep space a dangerous artifact that looked similar to the matrix of leadership is making its way to Earth.

Tygren: Kevin!

Kevin walked up to his father with Nemesis Prime on his shoulder and his team followed.

Kevin: Yes father?

Tygren: I want you and your team to retrieve an artifact that is arriving to Earth it will also give Nemesis Prime the upper hand when he battles against Optimus Prime.

Isamu: No offense sir but what exactly is it?

Tygren: (evil smirk)Let's just say that the past has come calling.

The artifact soon crashed landed at the Lake. The Dark Spark has arrived.

 The Dark Spark has arrived

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Max and the others have detected a strong energy signature that is coming from the Lake and went to retrieve it.

Ricky: There at the center it looks cybertronian.

Optimus Prime and the others jumped on each of their partners shoulders in their holographic forms.

Optimus's chest soon started to glow.

Optimus:(shocked) By the Allspark it cannot be...

Sharpshot:(nervous) Please don't tell me that it's actually here on Earth.

Grimlock: I'm afraid it is Sharpshot.

Max and the others looked to their partners with concern.

Max: (concern) What's wrong Optimus?

Optimus: No time to explain we need to retrieve the Dark Spark before-!

A ground bridge portal appeared and Kevin and his team came through the portal.

Kevin: (smirk) Well well well if it isn't the Awesome Titans.

Max glares at Kevin.

Max: (glares) What do you want Kevin?

Kevin: Simple we want the artifact and you fools are standing in our way.

Ricky: Oh really you want the artifact you'll have to get past us first!

Zeke: (smirk) Oh that can be arranged.

Kevin held up his hand.

Kevin: No me and Nemesis aren't interested in fighting you fools we're only interested in fighting Max Ryusei and Optimus Prime.

Max: If it's a battle you want it's a battle you'll get!

Damien: What?! Are you crazy?! Optimus barely stood a chance against that imposter let us help you guys!

Max looked to his friends and gave them a reassuring smile.

Max:(smile) Don't worry we'll be fine.

Alexis came up to Max and hugged him.

Transformers legends battle planet GXOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora