𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥

Start from the beginning

Joshua nod and smiled

As jeonghan left Joshua blush and hide his face

After eating dinner both went to shower then to sleep as tomorrow both have a busy day


They were now sleeping and as every other night Joshua join jeonghan

They might not be in relationship but they care and do love each other but they can't find the time nor courage to confess

Jh: good night shua
Jeonghan say hugging Joshua close to him

Js: good night hannie
He hug him back and snuggle to his chest

And this routine at night when they sleep repeat every day for a month

As the two didn't thought they would be this much taken by their work that they wouldn't be able to see each other

They want to see each other more but can't because of their work

And as it was the only moment they could be close, they would enjoy the nights cuddling but wished for more


Jeonghan was now in the lockers with other doctors as he was about to go eat

D: you're again off to meet your lover ?
Jh: my lover ?
D: sorry your soon to be lover
Jh: he's not my lover?
D: oh please ?we all hear you two flirting and see you hugging and looking at each other and

D: you seems off tho ? Are you ok ?
Jh: ugh you bust me, I'm tired of work, I need time for me and...
D: and you're sad to not have time with Joshua ?
Jh: y yes, we don't have time to talk nor even spend time together I'm annoyed with this situation
D: you know next week it's your vacation ?
Jh: I know but not his
He look down and sigh and close his locker

D: listen I'm in his service, I'll take his shifts I can postpone my vacations don't worry I had nothing plan anyways
Jh: no you can't do this for me, don't sacrifice your vacations for me
D: I'll anyways, you two needs to spend time together
Jh: really ?
D: ofc, now I suggest you to run to the cafeteria, Joshua eats for once now
Jeonghan smiled and left

D: ask him on a date during next week
Jh: I owe you one thank you so much

He left and went to the cafeteria


He arrived and saw Joshua taking his tray

Jh: hey baby shua
Js: hannie
Joshua smiled and both took their foods and left to sit facing each other

Jh: finally we can see each other
Js: yess I'm so happy
Jh: hmm shua, wanna hang out next week ?
Js: but I'm not free, you're on vacation but...
Jh: but you are, your colleague accept to replace you
Js: he did that ?
Jh: yes, so ?
Js: hum well sure, which day?
Jh: Monday ?
Js: alright
He smile and both eat happily


It was now Monday and jeonghan was waiting for Joshua to be ready

Joshua after few minutes come out and went to jeonghan

Js: im ready hannie
Jh: not really, here shua
He says handing a rose to him

Js: why a rose ?
Jh: because. This is isn't just a hanging out, but I'm taking you on a date
Joshua blush and nod

Jeonghan hold his hand and both left and went to the city and walk on the street and enjoy their first day off

They went to few stores, eat at a restaurant and sat on a bench looking at the view

𝙹𝚒𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☼☽Where stories live. Discover now