Chapter 7: WHAT IF WE DO

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Inside the Jedi Temple hanger, on the makeshift table for Cybertronians, four Autobots are currently playing Tadek with four players, trying to pass the time.

One tower is moved, and Chase is eliminated.

"Wait, what!" Chase inspects the board to see he lost, "Aww, I seem to have lost."

Blades giggles, "Yeah, sorry Chase, but I can't go back to my previous losing streak. Good game, though."

They both shake on it.

"Good game to you as well, Blades."

Meanwhile, Boulder is still trying to think about his next move.

"Come on already, just move that peice over here." Groans Heatwave with how long he's taking.

"No, because I know you're going to move that piece to give me a greater disadvantage. Now, just let me think of some way to get the upper hand." He goes back to his thinking stance.









"Hey, is that a theme park!!"


Boulder whips to the view outside the hanger, and Heatwave moves his piece quietly and quickly as possible. Boulder switches back after realizing there's no theme park outside, like the ones he enjoyed on Cybertron.

"There's no theme park. I let myself be fooled, and I know you moved my one of the pieces, Heatwave."

"How can you prove that slowpoke."

"See those words, just give me a hint that you did. You never really are subtle or quiet about the negative actions you do."

"So innocent until proven guilty."

"Hey, Chase, Blades!" He hollers out.

They both come from setting up another game.

"What's up, Boulder?"

"Oh, Primus." Groans Heatwave into his hand.

"This cheater moved a piece in my side and distracted me by telling me there was a theme park outside. He's denying that he moved my piece because I took forever, and I see the tower is not in the spot that it was."

"You did, Boulder."

Boulder gasps, "See, he admitted it."

"I was talking about when..."

Jedi and Clones start to turn their direction to a loud argument about a game, and it's echoing throughout the hanger, getting the attention of everyone. Some Council members there to observe the Autobots start to glance as well.

"Okay, okay. Let's calm down," the voice of Chase tries to be demanding, "okay Boulder, I feel none of the cheating moves would happen if you didn't take long. This is only a game for fun, and we have a lot of time to play many rounds. There's no rewards associated with this."

"See, I was justified -"

"And, Heatwave, you are the perpetrator in this situation. You moved his piece, thus breaking the rules of the game you guys are having. There's no fun if you don't play fair."

"Now, Chase, you just said we have many rounds to play, so who cares if I even cheat this once-"

"Many times, Heatwave. You have cheated many times in these games."

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