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i looked closely at the boy. i was still unsure, yet, the pain was too strong for me to think about that. i just slowly moved my hand closer to the boy, and ge grabbed it gently. soon, i felt the pain get better, but not completely. i closed my eyes, giving into the feeling of relief.

Castiel POV

i helped the Demon i found on the side of a busy street. he looked young and lost, that's why my mind told me to help him, i just couldn't leave him like that, knowing i can be of help. i let go of his hand after a while, and i looked at him closely once more. his face had some scars on it. he had medium length, dark hair, and red eyes. he looked peaceful at this moment, once he felt a bit less pain. he opened his eyes, probably feeling that i was staring at him. he looked at me slightly confused. and i knew why, it was no surprise.
my name is Castiel.. - i said, my voice slightly trembling. even if the Demon was weakened, i was still afraid of him hurting me. he was still stronger then i was, at least that's what the rumors were saying about them. - i found you on the side of the main road here.. you were pretty beaten up.. i bandaged some of your wounds, and i cleaned them, so nothing bad would happen to you.. - i explained to him, to make him a bit more enlightened about the situation.

why.. - i heard a whisper from him. i looked at him surprised. - why did you help me? i'm a demon after all.. aren't you afraid like the others? - he asked me with a curious and surprised tone. he looked pretty gentle i must say. he didn't look like he had any bad intentions towards me.

because i couldn't just leave you there.. even if you're a demon, you're still a creature with emotions, that deserves at least minimum respect. sorry for what the others put you through. but, no need to fear, you're safe here with me. - i said to him, to give him some reassurance. i noticed that he was probably more scared then me in this situation.

he tried to move, and get up on his own. ge groaned in pain, and i felt the pain too since i took some of it from him. i clicked my tongue feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen. they really did a lot of damage to him if even though i took only some of his pain, it was still this intense.

let me help you.. - i said quietly, and i stood up. i took his hand, wrapping it around my shoulder, and placed the other pn his waist for more support. he sighed in pain, and thanked me. i led him to my living room.

it was cozy. i had a big sofa in the middle, a coffee table, a big TV on the wall. everything an average person would wish for. i helped him to sit on the sofa so he wouldn't move too much, so as not to irritate his wounds more. i sat down beside him, sighing deeply.

how did you even end up here? i thought it's impossible now, since the spell has been burned one day and forgotten. - i said to start a small talk. the silence was awkward, so i decided to do something about it. he was still quiet for a minute, and he sighed.

i found the spell. my father had it in his drawer. i was bored, and i'm the kind who always makes trouble. - he looked away, clearly regretting his actions. - i wanted just to disturb you here. not to cause any serious problems. and here i am, how pathetic. - he chuckled ironically to himself.

well, if you found the spell, you must've found the one that allows you to come back to hell, right? - i asked him softly, as not to make him feel worse.

a.. spell to come back? so it's not the same? - he said and he looked at me. in his eyes i could see how terrified he was. he didn't want to stay here, because of what the other angels do to him.

unfortunately no.. but hey, we'll figure something out, don't worry, okay? firstly we have to male sure you'll heal, and then we will take care of that. - i said with a small smile forming on my lips. i decided to help him. i knew he wouldn't make it by himself, so i was almost left with no choice. yet, i couldn't help, but also feel guilty of my decision to help him. it was strictly forbidden to have a friendly relationship with anyone from hell. so, it was a risky decision.

alright.. - he murmured and he looked away again. i felt bad for him.- do you need anything? like, a cup of water or something? you know, you lost a lot of blood.- - i have been cut off just like before. he sure was fast to reply.

a cup of water will be okay. - he answered. i stood up, and i came back after a short while, holding a cup of water for him.

there you go. - i said as i handed him the cup. he took it from me, and he drank it slowly. i was looking at him. i didn't know why, but i found him very mesmerizing, and pleasant to look at. he glanced at him, as he noticed my staring again.

what is it? is there something wrong with my face? you stare at me all the time.. - he said and he put down the cup onto the coffee table.

no! there's nothing wrong with it.. i just think you're really beautiful. that's why i keep staring at you. - i answered him honestly. lying was a sin. and i was no sinner. i was keeping my loyalty to the rules that were in heaven.
his eyes widened slightly in surprise once he heard my answer, and he chuckled.

well, thank you. it's nice to hear that. - he said with a smile on his lips. i noticed how his face blushed, but only ever so slightly, it was barely noticeable. yet, i could see how his pale skin turned pinkish in that area. i brushed it off, thinking he just wasn't used to receiving compliments. - you're good looking yourself too. - he said to me with a warm smile. why was he so nice? isn't he a demon?

thank you. - i chuckled, and i took a seat beside him on the couch. - you should rest. i will allow you to take a nap here. i have to keep you hidden, so i won't just throw you away on the streets for someone to fond you again. - i said a bit jokingly, with a smile. he looked at me, and he nodded - oh, and also. you never told me your name?

Seth. - he answered shortly and smirked at me. then, he laid his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. my body froze in place. i looked at him confused and surprised. why would he do that? yet.. he looked so peaceful, that i didn't move him. i just sat there with him, in silence, as he slept. it felt weird. what is he even thinking doing something like that? what's up with him?
the question were popping in my head every now and then, as i wondered why would he act like that. i looked at his face again. he was in a deep slumber, his saliva drooling a little from his lips. seemed like he needed that rest. i smiled, and i sighed softly.- who are you exactly, seth.. - i whispered, and i closed my eyes as well, falling asleep pretty quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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