"Of course, even a small glimpse of your beauty would have been generous enough of you~" this made Geno's cheeks dust in a shade of red but he quickly composed himself.

"Your confidence is big, but you should be careful that your prey isn't too big for you, or you may lose your life in this hunt" he spoke with slight aggression, yet his eye held a flirty glint, his smile never leaving his face.

"What if I wouldn't mind losing it?" Reaper stared Geno in the eye.

" Then you'd be an idiot who'd throw his life away for a slim chance of victory." Geno responded with fake mockery, observing the sirens every little move, fully expecting for the other to falter, for his smile to twitch or drop. Yet the siren only smiled wider.

"Then I guess I am an even bigger idiot"

Geno stared at him without a word.

" I'd do it even with no chance of victory, " Reapers voice quieted into a low rumble, almost a pur." Because the reward will only be that much better~"

"Ok we're getting off track" Geno quickly changed the subject, his cheeks burning up." On the day of the club activities there'll be a note on the top deck and the break room, don't miss it. Now it's time for you to leave."

Reaper quickly got ready to leave." Right right, but I can come today to play right?" Once he got a yes as a response he closed the door with a smile. God's, he hoped he understood the captains words correctly, because if so, he actually has a chance then! His smile grew bigger as he felt his cheeks heat up, this was going far better than he ever expected.

"Reaper?" Ink noticed his friends good mood."what's got you smiling like that"

"Hm? What do you mean?" The siren dropped his smile.

"Well... I haven't seen you smile like that since you were a kid, so I'm just curious..." Ink spoke nervously.

"I guess it has been." Inks comment made him wonder: when was the last time he smiled this genuinely? Was it really that long ago? If he didn't count the time he saw his Lilly again in the water then yes, that game really was his last smile"Huh... It's nothing much, I just talked to the captain."

" Really? What did you talk about?"

" Clubs"

"Ok-"Ink waited for the siren to elaborate." A-nd what else?"

" A-nd nothing." Reaper mimicked inks questioning voice." I just enjoy talking to him. It's... nice."

"Oh, so you two are getting along well." Ink smiled, happy his friend genuinely got along with someone

"Yes, and what about you and Error?" Reaper changed the subject.

"W-well we haven't talked for a bit, well I haven't approached him because he looks busy, but I will talk to him during... Soon, I'll talk to him soon" Ink quickened his pace which made the siren snicker.

When evening came and many had already started to head to bed, Reaper quickly made his way to his Lillys room. He could barely contain his excitement as he reached to knock on the door.

"Come in" the soft voice came from the other side and with no hesitation he opened the door.

"Good evening captain!~" he greeted him with a smile. " How has your day been?"

"Evening Reaper," Geno nodded in greeting once more." Same as it's always been, and might I ask you the same?"

"Good" Reaper simply answered and sat down." I hope meeting me like this for a game won't be a bother"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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