Chapter 2.

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[forgot to add the song that inspired this story in the first place so before I forget again here it is]

Reaper looked around at the tavern that Ink called home. It's fairly big and had a lot of space with carved rocks that are made to look like shelves and put all his treasure. Reaper looked around as Ink swam looking for something in particular.

"FOUND IT!!" Ink yelled once he got ahold of something small.

"Cool! What is it?" Reaper asked swimming towards him.

Ink quickly hid the thing in his setchal." I'll show you later when we're near the surface. Now. Do you know where this water lily of yours is headed?" He asked and looked at the other.

Reaper thought a bit, trying to remember the name of the island. "I think it was called Shellcuk? Shellcock? Something along those lines." He said waiving his hand around, hoping they his friend understood what he was saying.

Ink thought a bit." Shellcook island?"

"Yeah that's the one!" He said clapping his hands.

"Well it's not too far from here... But are you completely sure that's where they are? Or will be?" He asked the siren in front of him.

Reaper nodded with confidence."absolutely sure!"

"Ok then... Let's go, if we fallow the cold currant we should get there faster." He said and swam out of his cavern with Reaper fallowing close behind.

"So this is Shellcook island?" Reaper asked poking his head from the water.

The island wasn't the biggest but definitely sizable. The town was near the sea and had dock for incoming ships. There was a beach with a few kids playing and collecting sea shells while their parents watched over them.

"Yes, now fallow me before someone sees you" Ink said quickly. And pulled at the sirens vest. "There is a hidden beach that no one visits, we can go there." He said and lead the way around the island until they reached an empty beach.

They swam to the shore and Ink transformed in to a land dweller with legs, his "tattoos" going down his legs.

"Now Reaper, firstly we'll need clothes. Even if you're wearing a vest it won't be enough, plus it's wet." He said pointing out his vest. "And secondly, you'll need to learn walking, or else you won't be able to get around."

"Firstly, I'm not taking this vest off and secondly, I need legs first to learn walking." He said slightly annoyed.

"O-Oh right." Ink chuckled awkwardly and looked in to his setchal. "Here."

Reaper looked at the skull pendant on a rope that was being handed to him. "A pendant?"

Ink nodded." As long as you wear it around your neck, you will have legs, but, even like me you will need sea water three times a week the least, or you will die." In said with warning.

Reaper nodded and tied the rope over his neck with the pendant Infront. "Get sea water three time a week at least, got it." And when he pulled his hands away he watched in amazement as his tail split in two and disappeared completely, replaced by two skeletal legs."wow..." He said as he moved his new legs around, splashing in the water and wiggling his toes.

"Now walking." Ink interrupted his moment as he poked the siren to take a long stick he found. "It's just like swimming, but with two fins and no water."

Reaper grabbed on to it and was pulled up by the smaller. It took a while to balance out so he didn't fall, the stick helping. Even hunched and using support, it was clear that Reaper was taller then his friend which unnerved Ink a bit, but he just shook it off. "Now, let's start your walking lessons."

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