Chapter 1.

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The waves quietly crashed into to the ship as it swayed side to side. The crew walking around and doing their assigned jobs.

The captain of the ship was standing near the railing of the ship, looking out to sea as he remembered his old friend. Only when he had left the cave did he realise he'd never gotten the sirens name. Those void eye sockets always haunting his dreams. And that black tail...

The captain was a white boned skeleton with one pearl white eye light being seen in only visible eye socket, the other being covered with a black leather eye patch with a red lily embroidered in the middle. He also had a noticeable read bleeding slash mark on his chest, going from shoulder to hip , as well the blood dripping from his mouth and down his chin occasionally. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a dark blue vest. His pants being black with red stitching. His boots where made from slightly dark leather and had black leather straps with red design on them and red leather straps with black designs wrapped around the base. Along his waist was his beloved crimson red scarf with a belt holding his weapons on top. Over all this he wore a red  leather coat with golden yellow sleeve and collar edges. And to top it all off he wore a black leather captains hat with two fluffy feathers on top.

Looking down at the sea shell necklace in his hand he twisted the Cristal in the middle and watched as the the sun glistened off of it. After all these years he's kept it in pristine condition. He sometimes wondered how his friend was doing.

"ᥫ𝞉ᒆꞎ𝞉ΐИ ₲트𝟆𝜃, ᙢ𝞉¥ ⌶ ん𐌀ᕓ트 𝞉 ⨈𝜃℟ᵭ"

He didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. "Error, you don't need to address me as captain"he said not looking at his younger brother as he continued to look at the Cristal.

Error was a dark boned skeleton with red eye sockets and miss matched eye light's, blue streaks like tears ran down his face. He wore a slight unbuttoned red dress shirt and a dark red vest on top. His pants where made from a black fabric that was slightly fading to blue and looked to be sown with blue strings in some places. His boots being made from a dark brown leather with golden edges and having blue strings with beads wrapped around them. He coat was made of leather like his boots but black. It was long and faded to lapis blue at the ends, The sleeves being folded up with golden yellow edges like the collar. And to top it all off he had lapis blue scarf wrapped around his waist with a belt on top that held his sword and guns, similar to Geno's.

Error was fairly tall compared to Geno, or most people on this ship for the matter.

"¥Ҽ𐌀廾, ɮն⏉ ⌶'ᙢ ꕷꞎΐᢺℓ ₲𝜃⌶Иဌ ꞎ𝜭" He said standing next to him.

Geno gave a light laugh as he looked at his brother. "Of course you will" he let go of his necklace, letting it hang around his neck as the shells clacked together and looked back at the sea. " So what did you want to talk about, dear brother of mine" he sked in slight joking tone.

"Ha hA" error faked a laugh but still smiled at his big brother." BuR On a sEr-IOus NoTe, wE'lL NEeD tO sToP aT tHe nEaREsT isL-aNd Or lANd In gEnErAl TO rEstOCk foR oUr SupPlieS aRe rUnNiNg loW" He said in his glitched voice.

Geno hummed in acknowledgement. He thought for a bit until answering "The nearest land would be the Strafway Island or The Fall Reef"

"StraFWaY IslAnD sHOulD Be clOSeR, bUt We'lL N-eEd tO cHEcK The MaP To Be fULly sUrE" Error noted to which Geno nodded.

He stood up and started walking to his cabin. "Could you get Nightmare to my quarters?" he asked to which Error just nodded, but before he could fully leave Geno said." Oh, and get Fresh too." Error grumbled a 'fine I'll get the parasite too' and walked off.

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