Chapter 11.

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"alright, not bad, " Epic praised the siren that slashed and attacked him with all his might like instructed." Your hands are trained to kill-"he blocked another strike going for his neck and another going for his chest."-alas your balance brings you down." He kicked the sirens leg making Reaper loose balance once more and fall.

Reaper used his hands to somewhat cushion his fall and immediately slashed at the others legs with his daggers.

Epic jumped back, already expecting such an attack from the newcomer." Ah~ playing dirty I see~" he jumped on the gunwale and lunged forward at Reaper with his own daggers, whom in return rolled out of the way and quickly got up trying not to fall again as the ship got hit by an unexpected wave. But he fell back once again when Epic lunged at him, aiming for his neck.

Reaper blocked with his daggers and did his best to push the others weapons away or out of his opponents hands. When he didn't budge he resorted to kicking Epic in his lower ribs as hard as he could and successfully getting away from him.

Epic stumbled back and hunched over a bit as he held the aching bones, a few coughs escaping. He didn't have time to relax for Reaper slashed at him. Blocking most of the blows, once he saw an opening he dodged and kicked the siren down, stepping on his back to keep him down and declaring victory after stabbing his dagger on the floor, just barely missing the sirens head."not bad, not bad~."

Epic got off and extended his hand to Reaper." You fight skilfully with your hands, but your balance is as bad as a toddler who just learned to walk." Reaper ignored his hand and got up on his own." And we'll need to fix that."he retracted his hand and watched the siren put his blades in place.

They both looked over at Ink and Circe who where also fighting, if you can call it that even. Ink was running around and dodging the bats attacks occasionally blocking what he couldn't dodge and throwing a blind attack that would slow his opponent down giving him enough time to climb higher or run to hide behind a pole or barrel.

"Unlike you, your friend seems to be like a monkey or rabbit." Epic spoke watching Ink kick a barrel, successfully tripping the bat." I'm sure they'll be fine." He turned to his student." As for you, on one leg!"

Confused Reaper lifted one leg, wobbling for a bit before leaning on the nearest wall.

"No, no, pul your leg up a bit higher and put your hands together and above your head" he demonstrated for the other." Like a tree!"

"When have you seen a tree at sea?" Reaper hissed out while trying not to fall over.

"I'm looking at one now bruh!" He said with a smile and watched as the other had trouble balancing himself." Now let's switch the legs." They both switched their legs. "Breath in the fresh, salty air and breath out."

"Now spread your hands and lean forward with your leg extended like a bird" Reaper  could feel his leg shake, now he not only tried to keep his balance, but also not to collapse. "Now switch leg"

"Are you two doing Yoga!?" Circe screamed mostly at Epic."you're supposed to be training him in fighting!"

"I am fixing his balance!" He shouted back at the hanging bat.

"Just push him around and the balance will fix itself!"

"Just teach your guy and let me do my own thing!" After saying that he turned back to the one with black hood." Now go in a squat, extend one leg and hold the tippy toes with your hands."

' who thought of these horrid positions?' Reaper questioned himself, his legs feeling like they're on fire.' how is he not in pain?!'

"Switch~!" Reaper felt slight relief being able to switch his leg, but that didn't last long for the pain just migrated to this leg as well." Now lay on your side  and lift yourself with one hand, the other on your hip, legs and back straight."

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