Chapter 5.

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"ughhhh- I feel like I'm going to explode!" Reaper whined as he walked in the hallway with Killer and Ink.

"Well at least you ain't starving." Killer said with a slight laugh.

" Yes, but did he really need to keep me hostage and force feed me?" He continued to complain." Feels like it was a bit overkill."

Killer chuckled before answering." Yeah no, while it might have been overkill, he just wants to make sure you don't starve, trust me when he deems you are well enough he'll give you a smaller amount."

"Why does he want to make sure we're well tho? He doesn't even know us." Ink ask.

"Well he's the cook, it's his responsibility to make sure everyone on this ship is well fed and don't starve." Killer explained." But to be honest with ya, I think this goes more to past them his responsibility. You see, before joining the sea angels, he would constantly starve because he couldn't find food in the streets. One day captain was taking a walk in the town that we had attacked, when he was attacked by Horror. Captain easily took him down even tho Horror was way bigger, but he was weekend by his hunger. For attacking the captain of a pirate ship he had thought that he'd be killed or something like that, but instead captain spared him and even shared his food with the fellow! Like he didn't just try and kill him, probably even take a bite out of him." Killer continued." After Horror had calmed down he was invited to join the the crew that he agreed to, I'm not really sure if the captain had to bargain with him or how he agreed to become a crew member, I just know it happened. Then when they returned to the ship he was introduced to everyone, he had a tour, got new clothes, was fed properly and started to look for a job that he could. Horror had asked to be the chef's helper, probably because it was the only job close to food, but when captain, or was it one of his brother? Anyways, one of them had said that they didn't have a cook, they all took turns in the kitchen back then, and Horror then demanded to put as chef of the ship, saying that he wanted to make sure no one starved like him on the ship as repayment for their kindness. Or so I was told."

Reaper and Ink stared at Killer."you sure you can tell us all that?" Reaper asked.

"Well yeah, I just did" Killer said, not seeing the problem.

"No, no, we mean as in, you sure you're allowed to tell someone else's life story to people you've known for less then then a day, practically strangers, and on top of that broke in to your crews ship?" Ink expanded Reapers question.

Killer just smiled and waved it off." Nah it's fine, you're part of the crew now!" They continued the tour of their ship while also introducing them with every single crew member. Telling them what they could easily get away with, who's more fun to prank and so on, so on. Sometimes even spilling some secrets.

Soon enough though they reached the captain's quarters once more. Knocking on the door they where let in by the quartermaster.

"ŸøŮ'ře Ł@ţ3." He said in annoyance.

"Sorry quartermaster" Killer said." I was just giving them a tour and introducing everyone, and Horror didn't let us leave until Reaper over here, finished his overstocked plate of food." He pointed at said skeleton who didn't really care about this conversation.

"Ďøñ'ţ tH!Ņķ yØū ¢@n ẞkïp ÿØuř WœřĶ ÆnĎ ü$3 ŤHeM @$ aÑ €x¢u$e. ŃøW ğŒ!" Error said pointing out the door.

"E-eh, quartermaster, I would never use anyone as a scapegoat for skipping work"he said dramatically." Can't I stay as emotional support for the noobies? First weeks are always stressful and nerve-wracking."

"I-I-I would l-like emotional support" Ink stuttered out quietly, almost unbearable.

"He does have a point brah!" Came a voice from the right of the room. Near the window on the guest table and chair was sitting non other then master gunner Fresh drinking something from a glass cup.

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