Chapter 13.

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"Photography.... Art.... Bookclub..... Creative writing..... Yoga......" Reaper read over the club paper in his hammock." I should choose writing and reading and that leaves one more.." Fresh said that at least one is recommended but if they wanted they could choose up to three. None of them sounded that interesting, mostly because he didn't know what they were. So he looked at the ones hosting said clubs.

"Games - Geno CQ" he stared at this line. He wondered if this meant he'd be playing with Geno or will the captain only observe?

He kept thinking about his Lilly and how he's changed, grown, more cunning, like a predator outwitting its prey, and yet still has the same playful expression he remembers, that same smile he could never forget.

" Achoo! Hmm.... i could.. go.... For sandwiches......" One of the sleeping crewmates stirred in their sleep, breaking Reaper out of his thoughts and putting him on high alert as he immediately went to grab his dagger. Seeing no danger he forced himself to relax.

" It's safe it's safe it's safe it's safe it's safe" he kept repeating, yet it did little to help.

-Knock knock -

" Come in" came the captains voice and the hooded skeleton took a deep breath before opened the door.

" Good morning Lilly~" he spoke walking towards the desk and sitting down." Hope you slept well"

"I suppose, may I ask what's with you calling me lilly, Reaper?"

" It suits you, and your eye cover has Lilly embroidery " the siren spoke with a smile." Do you not like it?"

"It's fine as long as you don't refer to me like that near others. Now, what brings you here?" Geno got straight to the point." Is it about the clubs?"

" Yes it is, I thought about them and decided on joining the writing, reading and game clubs. I also wanted to ask how exactly the game club worked."

Geno looked a bit confused." Games club? Was it written in your paper?"

"Uh yeah? Was it not supposed to be?" Reapers smile faltered a bit.

" Not really, I might have given you an old activity sheet. May I see it?" Reaper took out the folded piece of paper and handed it to the captain. After looking it over Geno could confirm that it is indeed an old one." Apologies for this mistake, but I indeed gave you the oldest one."

" So is there no game club?" Reaper asked with a sad expression.

" Well, yes and no, when I became captain and Fresh gave the idea of clubs, we were thinking of making the game club, but then I decided to just put the games in the break room so everyone could play anytime they wanted." Seeing the Reapers saddened expression Geno's soul clench as he started to realize why he wanted to join this club." If you want, you could... Come over-" he thought about what time would work best, preferably a time his brothers come over the least often which would be."- in the evening after eating dinner, if you won't feel too tired we could play a couple of rounds before you head off to sleep, how does that sound?"

" Really?!" Reaper immediately smiled at the idea." You'd do that?"

"Sure, it doesn't hurt me to play a game."

Reaper thought a bit before asking." Could I also come in the afternoon or during my break time?"

" I suppose, but not always, I can't predict how busy I'll be during the day so it's preferable for you to come in the evening. But if you really want to, you can come. I can't promise I'll be able to play all the time, but I hope a small chat will suffice?"

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