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Leaning against the wall. Britius peered out the window to the cluster of mingling bodies down at the streets below. Children clad in white ran past, shouting and screaming at each other. The sounds of music and singing drifted through the streets carrying an emotion of joy that hung in the air like clouds. Chimneys puffed up black smoke to the blue sky that stretched out for miles without end. Small patches of white clouds were sewen into the fabric of the sky. Black birds bold as bandits surfed the gentle winds of the morning air the crept into the room of the Falcons Eyes causing the wooden structure to moan and groan.

From below, he could see glimpses of gamblers haunting the alleys of Nilens, huddled together tightly as they watched people dance around in circles while others clapped. He could see horse drawn carts rolling into the stone streets and the peddlers ringing bells trying to sell items bought from all over the realm. From bracelets to lamps to pots to books and so much more.

Britius tried to remind himself– not once– that Nilens was quite different from the rest of the realm. While it starved and grew closer to destruction and ruin, Nilens would always flourish, but that was going to change soon. He could feel it in his bones that this was not going to last.

Joy can last a day but sorrow, sorrow can last a lifetime.

The words said to him by Adame before the attack on the castle crept into his mind.

"I heard there is a joust. I hear lord Thoma– your father is hosting a joust today. The people are excited." Baldan said. Britius turned his attention back to the room. A naked Baldan sat on the edge of the cot, bending down to pick up his leather hose. Britius could see Baldan's muscular abdomen folding itself as he bent then straighten again. He could see the strong muscles on his arms at work as he pulled on the hose in one leg. Heat rose to his cheek, he turned away quickly. His cock began to stir again and in that very moment he wished to push Baldan back into the cot and let the man thrust in him. But he did not, he simply watched as the people of Nilens begin to prepare for the First Sight festival. A celebration that was only celebrated when the second moon slowly began to appear in the sky.

"Will you come and watch?" He heard Baldan ask.

Britius sighed and ran a hand down his face. " I don't know." He  said, his voice low and sounding quite unsure as he did. His mind was a storm of thoughts, Baldan, the Thirteen Ethereal Council which had not summoned him to  court again since five days ago and Aalina. He'd forgotten to write to Aalina, to ask how she was fairing at court. Was she still alive?

No, no she must be!

"What are you thinking about?" Baldan whispered in his ear. Britius had not even heard the man as he stood and walked up to him. Baldan warped his arms around Britius' waist and rested his head on his back. Britius could feel the warmth of Baldan's body pressed on to his, he could feel the muscles beneath the white shirt that the man was now wearing. He could feel the large bump on his arse, poking him. Britius closed his eyes, feeling as Baldan rubbed his bump on his arse. His own cock began to strain through the leather hose. Baldan kissed the nape of Britius' neck, his hand callused hands caressing his chest then going lower towards his groin. Britius knew that he should be trying with all his might to get the Ethereal Council to see his point of knew, he knew that what he and Baldan was sinful. If ever caught by someone who was not under Thoma's thumb then they would be hanged. And yet...he wanted this man. In all his years he served the king he had not thought of his own desires, of his own needs. He had been driven by the anger that Thoma had sold him, thrown away like a scrap. And Baldan's arms, feeling his tender kisses, his slow movements of his cock rubbing against the leather protecting his arse. He felt a need, he felt the desire that he had kept under a cloak for too long.

IRON AND FLAME : The Thorn Crown book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang