Team Wang

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Today has been amazing already and I haven't even made it to graduation yet which is later this evening.

I woke up to my mom gone but instead, there laid a tray with a bowl of fresh egg dumplings and orange juice, a congratulations card, and beautiful yet simple Diamond earring and necklace set.

It instantly put a smile on my face. The card was signed by my family and my parents left little congrats messages for me. I admit, I got a little emotional. It made me feel special.

I'm not really a breakfast person but I am a dumpling girl. Egg dumplings are my favorite breakfast and I knew my grandmother made it. Chef kisses!

Before getting ready, I attempted to call Jackson like I promised but he didn't answer. He was probably asleep after rehearsing late last night. Hopefully, I'll hear from him before the ceremony. I can't wait to talk to him, I think I've made my decision about his offer.

Dae had came over this morning, to keep me company. Even though she's getting on my last nerve, I appreciate being here. I have some friends that's graduating with me and others that's going to be in the audience cheering us on. They want to go out later on tonight. Normally, I would decline such outing because I'm a loser but I really want to celebrate with them.

Even though I made an official decision to make Seoul my permanent home, I still won't see my friends for a whole summer.

"Lia, your parents wanted me to tell you that they're going to make a stop before heading to the graduation ceremony so they headed out with Grandma Liu," Dae said, coming back into my room.

I frowned at her," They just left without saying bye?"

She rolled her eyes," They're gonna see you in 2 hours, you'll be fine."

A few of my friends are carpooling together and since they don't live too far from me, Dae and I are gonna ride with them. I sighed and continued getting ready.

I'm wearing my favorite color red as my dress choice along with the earring and necklace set my parents got for me. My makeup and hair being simple but elegant.

"I'm jealous of you

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"I'm jealous of you. You're so beautiful," Dae said, sighing.

"Girl, you're beautiful too. What are you talking about? According to Korea's beauty standards, I'm buttass ugly," I laughed, going to her to give her a hug.

She accepted my hug," Shut up! Damn, you even smell amazing!"

I laughed and hugged her tighter," Ok, weirdo. Stop smelling me. I'm so proud to call you my friend. Thank you for always being there for me, even when I was just a little American lost puppy when I first moved to Korea."

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