Mother Knows Well

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I never ran so fast in my entire life as I did upon seeing my parents for the first time in almost a year. They flew in to Seoul a week before my graduation. I flew into their arms like I was 5 years old again. I missed them so much!

"We missed you so much, baby girl," my dad said, holding me tighter and shoving his face in my hair.

"And did you get taller or am I going crazy?," my mom chuckled.

"I missed you guys like crazy," I said hugging them tighter.

We eventually went inside and they greeted grandma Liu. She had been cooking and prepping for my parents all day with my help, of course. I was more than eager to see them.

I officially finished school and as expected, I aced all of my exams. I will be graduating with honors and alongside all of my friends, including Dae. Man, it's been a journey and I've grown so accustomed to living here. As much as I miss my hometown, I don't think I could leave Seoul permanently.

I'm still pondering my options but talking to Jackson on the daily doesn't help me think clearly. The more I think about it, not only do I want to continue to live in Seoul, I'm also considering Jackson's offer.

It's been a few weeks since I've last seen him but he makes sure to make time to call or text me. Even if we talk for hours or even a few minutes, he stays in touch. Not once has he mentioned his offer once either. He doesn't pester me about it and it's appreciated. But I did say I'd have a decision for him by the time for my graduation and he shall have his answer then.

GOT7 is currently in Japan for their Fly World Tour. JB is doing way better. He's still suffering from a bruised back so he's not able to dance around as much but he will be ok. He was very determined about still going on tour with the guys. He only missed one show but the others, he was present. What a leader and trooper he is.

Like me and Jackson, Dae and JB are actually hitting it off but unlike me and Jackson, JB asked Dae out on a date which she accepted. It will be a little while until the said date due to the tour but it's happening. After talking to JB, Dae called me, practically screaming my ears off. It's kinda funny how we managed to get involved with 2 members of GOT7 but here we are.

I can't lie hearing Dae talk about her and JB, it made me think about Jackson and I. I really do like him, more than he thinks. But it's not fair to him to try dating when I just got out of a relationship. I'm simply just not ready.

That night Jackson came home with me, he ended up staying the night. Luckily, I had an air mattress ready to be used so I set it up for him to use while I slept in my bed. Although, we didn't sleep much because we kept talking and laughing.

The next morning, I woke up to Jackson being gone. He put away the bed and everything. It was almost as if he wasn't there. He later texted me to tell me that he and the guys had to attend an early meeting regarding the events that happened the night before.

But later that day, coincidentally, a familiar face showed up to my grandmother's house to try and talk to me. Can you guess who?

If you guessed my dumbass ex, Chun, then were absolutely correct.

Now the whole city knows what he and our professor did, he decided to try to crawl back to me for his moral support. Grandma Liu wasn't having it and told him to get off her property. When he couldn't get through her, he blew up my phone with calls, voicemails and text messages. I literally had to shut off my phone for the day because it was non stop. Then he started calling the house phone.

This went on for like 3 days. We just unplugged the phone and my dad got me a brand new iPhone and I changed my phone number. I filed a temporary restraining order against Chun, which was granted.

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