First Day Of School Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Natasha Romanoff," I say quickly

Mickey, who was sipping on his water, spits it all over Billy's face. Billy angrily stands up and drys his face clean. Mickey and Thomas stare at me, mouths open wide, like I just told them the biggest secret in the world. I stare back at them both until Tommy opens his mouth. 

"You're Black Widow's son," He yells the last part.

"I-" I say before I'm interrupted by Ms. Hancock saying it's 1st hour.

"What class you guys got first?" I ask as we all walk side by side down the hallway.

"I got ELA," I say, finishing my thought prompt, letting out a tiny yelp as I got pushed into Billy.

"Same," Mickey says, shoving Thomas, making him go into a wall.

"Same," Thomas winces 

"I got Pre-Algebra," Billy says, heading towards the math section

"Bye!!" I scream down the hall.

Mickey, Thomas, and I all step into 8th grade ELA and sit in the back of the room. It was a high-top table with four chairs, two on each side. I had to sit by some random kid. His name was William or something. He was pretty cool. I learned he had a Russian class with me the next hour. Ela was boring. All we did was join the Google Classroom and then play a blooket for the remainder of the time. I got 4th place, Mickey got 2nd, and Thomas got 3rd. 

After the top three people got their prizes, William and I walked together to the Russian class. I stepped inside, and Tasha was in the back organizing papers. 

"Mo- I mean Tasha," I call out. 

"Pax, baby," She says, coming over and planting a kiss on my head. I move away instantly, my hand flying up to my hair to fix it. 

"Mom. You're messing up my hair," I whine, licking my hand and running my fingers through it. She smiles a little at me. I don't know why tho.

"Please, Paxton. I did your hair for you before we walked inside the school," She says

I blush a little at that. Tasha had done my hair before we even stepped into the building. I look away so she can't see me blush. Unfortunately, she did see me blush.

"Paxton, you're too cute, baby," Tasha says, planting another kiss on me. I blush harder this time, looking away so William can't see me. 

"And who exactly are you?" She questions, pointing at William.

"I'm William. I go by Will. I sit by Paxton in ELA," He says 

"You're William Gurrera. Twin brother of Karyson Gurrera. Right?" Mom questions

"Yep," Will says, sitting down at a random spot. 

 I follow after him. Mom follows us, handing a sheet of paper to us. She walks back to the door as a horde of kids walks through. Each student got a piece of paper. On the paper, it read, "History Of Russia". I was instantly intrigued. Everyone says that Russia is a not-so-good place, but I've always wanted to know more about Russia. Mom takes attendance first. Only one person was missing. People said he was sick.

"Now, class, we're watching a video," She starts saying.

"If you look at the sheet, you notice it's blank. While we're watching the video, it's your job to fill in the blanks," Mom says, hitting play on the video.

 The video was called History Of Russia In 5 Minutes- Animation. We didn't have any homework, so we joined Google Classroom. Luckily for me, my I-time was the next room over. I walked inside and saw Mickey. I walked over to him, and he was talking to someone. I couldn't see since the person had their back turned to me. I walked closer, and the person turned around. As I was towards them, I noticed everybody had their Chromebooks out.

"Yo, Paxton, Cooper's in this class, and so is our cousin, Harley," Mickey said once I had sat down at the table. 

I dabbed Cooper up before remembering what Mickey said

"Harley?" I question

"As in Harley Stark?" I asked, taking my computer out.

"Yeah. You know him?" Cooper asks, also taking his computer out. 

"Yeah, he used to come over all the time when Pete and I were younger," I say, smiling sadly as memories pass through my mind. 

"Who's Pete?" Mickey questions in Google Classroom, having figured out we were joining a Google Classroom. 

"His brother," Cooper says for me.

"Hello Guys. And welcome to the best I-time experience you will have today." Mr. Fernoustou said. (My teacher says this, but he says Social Studies experience) 

"The first thing we're doing is joining the Google Classroom," He says, walking over to his computer to share the code.

After people got into the classroom, we played a blooket for the remainder of the time. Math and Social Studies went by in a breeze. I had PE, and we had to do the Pacer test. I got 63 laps, 55 curl-ups, and 12 push-ups. Mom said I was probably more intelligent than most people in the room. Mr. Fernoustou told my mom later that I was one of his favorite kids. My sense of humor, but also my determination to do all my work, was what stood out the most to him. 

When lunch came around, 8-10 ate together, 11-12 ate together, and 5-6 ate together. (My school's only 6-8th, but we're going to pretend it goes higher) Mickey, Thomas, Billy, Cooper, Harley, Peter, Ned, MJ, and I sat together at one table. Everyone had a packed lunch except Ned and MJ. Then after lunch was Band. Ms.W was so kind. I played the trumpet. I've been playing for years. I was pretty excellent at the trumpet. ( I play the clarinet, but my next option would've been the trumpet. I've also only been playing since last year)

Band class went by, and then it was time for Science. Mrs. Hancock had us join the Google Classroom, and then we played Blooket for the rest of the day. When the bell rang, I ran to Mom's room, where she told Peter and me to wait for her after school. She finally stepped out of the classroom, and we headed home. 


A/N: The next part will be all Peter. I've started writing the next chapter. I'll write some more in the morning, but it should probably be out before 5 in the afternoon. Anyway, I have this other series called The Johansson Twins. I'll be continuing that story as well. Proofread by Grammarly cuz we love Grammarly. 

Word Count: 1457

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