Searching Feelings

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CH 12.

'Searching feelings'

"I sense there's something in the wind…" Kit's voice echoed off the walls of the attic, where Zephir's Piano and other instruments resided.

"That feels like tragedy's at hand!" the vampiress continued, her voice sounded foreboding, ominous, yet strikingly beautiful.

"And though I'd like to stand by him…" Her gaze fell on the dhampir, whose stern brow hid his eyes that were either closed or watching the keys.

"Can't shake this feeling that I have…" His dark silhouette contrasted the lovely pale light of the moon shining in through the skylight above bathing the area in an ethereal glow.

"The worst is just around the bend!" his fingers glided over the keys as if they had been created solely for this purpose.

"And does he notice!" Kit sang with more emotion for this specific lyric, a question she much desired to know. "My feelings for him?" The vampiress' voice fell with the melody that Zephir played on the piano.

Her voice had a solemn quality to it, hopeful but resigned all the same. "And will he see…" Zephir's face was so serious, unflinching in his focus. "How much he means to me?" the dhampir could hear her voice, almost as if she were searching, searching for an answer.

His fingers drifted to a stopping point, his head raised slightly, he had to admit, she sang wonderfully. "Captivating," the dhampir murmured, never even looking at her.

His words were always appreciated, more so now, than even a month ago, her view of him had transformed from a horrifying monster to that of someone she cared for.

A bell rang signifying someone was at the door, Zephir rose from his spot at the piano, and lumbered toward the exit, his boots clomping on the wooden floorboards.

Kit watched him as he left, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't place what it was.

And so while she had more to say, he disappeared into the hall and descended the stairway, leading down to the second floor.

Nina stepped out of her hiding spot in the corner, approaching Kit who had sunk down onto the piano's seat.

Kit looked over the beautiful piano, finding the little one drawn to the carved name on the instrument, she had not known when she asked for the instruments, she would end up bringing what she assumed to be Zephir's, mother's piano.

Stalking down the stairs, Zephir stepped into the second-floor hallway and made his way for the grand staircase, the posture with which he walked and his demeanor changed, adopting the monstrous and menacing persona that many feared.

Arriving at the double doors, Zephir flung them both open with startlingly little effort.

Zephir's face pulled into his usual frown as his eyes met with the visitor's, he never had been one for company.

Back upstairs, Kit had bid for Nina to sit down next to her at the piano, the vampiress watched as the human child fumbled across the keys.

Nina had taken an interest in the notes that Zephir had just played, and Kit decided to show her.

"He makes it look easy," Nina whispered, though it still found Kit's ears.

"We've just lived longer than you," Kit said, a soft smile forming on her lips as she then positioned the child's hands where they needed to be to start the bar.

The warmth of Nina's hands and the blood rushing through her veins was not lost on Kit, it was an intoxicating feeling, she wondered how Zephir fared with a human living within the walls of his own abode.

She pushed away the primal urge in her and continued to give the child instructions. 

She may be young, but she showed talent on the piano, enough that Kit entertained the idea of teaching the child herself.

The slamming of doors downstairs cut the lesson short, Kit's attention bolted to the door to the attic, where she and Nina dwelled.

Nina had all but shrunk into Kit, slamming doors for her meant pain, terror.

Rising from the piano's seat, Kit strode toward the room's exit, Nina skulked into the shadows, her usual safe haven.

Making her way quickly down to find her fiance, she found him storming through the main room, grabbing his coat and slinging over him as he again swung the doors open to reveal a lovely calm night, a full moon illuminated the stone steps leading out into the gothic city of Mordrid.

"Zephir, what's wrong?!" Kit asked, skipping the last few steps and landing softly on the laminate flooring.

Zephir froze in the door, his back faced the vampiress, his posture suggested to her that he was distressed, or angry.

Lifting his left hand up, he revealed that he held a bit of parchment, lying it down on the end table near the threshold of the doors, Zephir wordlessly stomped down the stone steps and made his way into the city.

Kit walked toward the paper, confused with his behavioral change, the pale moonlight made her skin shimmer in its pale radiance.

Lifting the paper, her raven hair cascaded down her shoulders as she read the letter, bearing her father's seal.

She scanned the page before her eyes lit up with surprise, horror, and awe, mixed into one.

Kit never expected this would happen so soon, but signed by Lord Bouiser himself, a date to be remembered.

In the streets of Mordrid, Zephir was dragging a corpse across a rooftop, overlooking the vampiric mansions that housed the very ilk he wanted to destroy.

If he were able to but wrap his fingers around their necks he could end their miserable existence, with just a flick of his wrist.

Blood covered his mouth and the cold body beside him, the dead woman beside him reminded him of his nature, he had come out into the city to alleviate his need to lash out.

But how could he continue killing the very people that Kit fought to safeguard from her own kind, from herself?

Especially now that he would be her partner in more than just their rebellion.

But as her husband.

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