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'fuck is takin so long? i know its a party but goddamn bru'

someone finally opened the door. i walked in and thanked them and they held the door open. as i fully walk into the house i look around seeing a lot of people and the smell of straight up under arms and ass hits my nose, along with something else i couldn't really make out and, weed. i look around hoping i see mina or anybody i know really. but just to my luck i didnt see her so, i decided to walk over to the bar and get a few drinks.

i sit down on the bar stool and face foward waiting for someone to take my order. suddenly this fine ass hispanic walks up to me.

(👩🏽‍💻-it is not sero.)

he had an edgar haircut with some type of design in the back, them classic diamond earings and he had a small mustache right above his lip and a tattoo sleeve. 'gahh damnnnn. he so fine.' He smiled at me and said, "how may i help you miss?" He had a lil accent too. this man jus keep getting better and better. "ill take 2 shots of tequila with lime please" he smiled while licking his lips saying 'coming right up.'

A few minutes later he came back with my shots, smiled at me once again and left. "im gettin them digits." i whispered to my self. I pulled out a 10 dollar bill and a napkin and wrote my number on it saying 'call me'. I called him over to come get his tip.

"Here you go" i said handing him the bill with the napkin folded up in it. He thanked me and slowly walked away and opend the napkin as he walked. He looked back at me and nodded.

I take the two shots and sit at the bar on my phone bored. Then all of a sudden i get a text from a random number then realizing it was the waitor guy. i started to text him back but i heard someone yell my name behind me.

"HEYY N/N!!" mina squealed. I got out my seat and walked over to her giving her a hug. "HEY MINA BAEEEE!!!" i said. Just as she came here, our favorite song came on.

Murda She Wrote- Chaka Demus & Pilers

I called over the dude from the bar and asked him to watch our stuff as we out it on the counter. He said yes so after we were done we ran towards to middle of the dance floor.

"i knew this little girl, her name is maxine. Her beauty is like a bunch of rose"

As the song played mina and i wined, and swayed our hips to the song. Mina came behind me and i slowly bent over on her still whining my hips to the song. People started hypin us up and recording along with cheering at us.

When the song was over we walked back over to the bar laughing. When i sat down at the bar i looked to my left and i seen my man- i mean midoriya.

His side profile was so fucking sexy. His freckles, his lip ring, his button nose. Everything about his facial features were so mesmerizing i couldn't help but just stare. I dont even know why i acted like this when i see him, normally when i see someone this fine i react differently but he does something to me.


My thoughts got interrupted and i realized he noticed i was staring at him. 'embarrassinggg!'

"Sorry for staring...but uh hey. Great party" i said akwardly. "Thank you," he said chuckling. "You looked really good out there." He said. 'you tryna fuck? thats what i heard.' "Thank you" i said smiling.

[a few hours later]

Me and midoriya began talking as time went on, getting to know eachother more personally then as heros.

Maybe its the tequila, i dont know, but as i was talking he'd look at me some kind of way that i just cant put my finger on. But everytime it would make me wanna fold.

"Wanna come back to my place so we can have more privacy? You know since its loud and stuff." I asked.

"Id love too" he said. I started to gather all my stuff. I told mina i was going home and asked if she wanted to stay the night. She said yes so, she gathered her stuff as well and we all left to my car.

"Wait midoriya you just gonna leave your house unattended?" I asked. "Oh dont worry, i have it under control already" he said calmly. We made it too my car and i open the front door as i unlocked the car. Mina layed down in the back and midoriya sat in the passenger seat. I started the car up and turned on the radio.

"You smoke?" I asked grabbing a pre-rolled joint from the arm rest and getting a lighter from my bra. "Yes ma'am" he said eyeing me, then the joint. I gave it to him so he could hit first since i had to start the car up. I began pulling out the drive way while hearing the lighter spark along with snoring from the back seat.

After he hit it a few times he passed it over to me as i did the same while driving. "I like the tattoo on your back" he said, referring to the snake going all the way down my back ending at my hip with butterflies scattered all around it like polka-dots and the flowers on specific spots on my arms and left leg. "..Thank you" i hesitated while exhaling. For some reasom the flash backs started to flood in my head remembering the reason i got these tattoos. I became teary eyed and passed the joint back to him trying play it off sniffling.

"You okay?"

"mhm.. the smoke got in my eye so its makin my eyes water." I lied.

I decided to let him smoke the whole blunt since i wasnt in the mood to smoke anymore and i just wanted to hurry up and go home.

{Midoriya POV}

Something is definitely bothering her. After i mentioned her tattoos the whole vibe changed and she became less cheerful. Maybe they meant something more to her, and she a got a little triggered. I wanna ask her more about them since they all look kinda specific especially the flowers. But i dont wanna pressure her in telling me anything. Why am i overthinking this right now? Its fine. Its none of my business and probably never will be. But man... she looks really pretty tonight. Its the way the lights from the streets glow on her s/c skin. How her hair falls down her back. Shes absolutely breathtaking.


We finally made it to my house. I gave midoriya my house keys and told him to go inside so i could help mina drunk ass in the house. "come on baby get up" i whispered to her, picking her up from under her arms and bringing her out the car. She was now half awake so she managed to weakly walk into the house. I brung her all the way upstairs and layed her on the bed. I left out the room and went back downstairs, back to the car to get the rest of her things. I locked the car door along with the front door once i got back in the house.

"Midoriya? Ill be with you in a moment i have to help out mina real quick is that okay?" I yelled out asking while taking off minas make-up. "Yea ill just be on the couch" he responded. I tried to hurry up with mina. I finished taking off her makeup i put her in some more comfortable clothes. I know she likes to sleep freely so i didnt put a shirt on her and put some sweatpants on her. I put her in my bed under the blanket, turned the fan on and turned the light off letting her sleep.

I also changed into something comfortable and took off my makeup. I closed my bedroom door behind me and headed downstairs to my man- i mean midoriya.

"Hey, sorry if i took so long" i came down the stairs and sitting next to him on the couch. "Can i ask you something?" Midoriya said. "Sure."

"What do your tattoos mean? I noticed how the flowers are kinda in randomly specific spots and im just curious." He asked. I sat there, just looking at him not knowing what to say. Those terrible flashbacks flooding into my head, all over again.

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