
395 13 2

(play song whenever)


beep beep beep

I groaned waking up to my loud ass alarm clock. It was going to be a long day at the agency so i had to wake up extra early. I sat up and threw my legs on the side of the bed stretching and yawning. I slid on my slides and made my way to the bathroom.

I  sat down on the cold toilet and began to pee. I just sat there because i am tired as fuck and i dont feel like doin anything today. After i was done using the toilet i did my morning routine.

(dont expect me to write the routine cus im not-)


I went back into my room to pick out an outfit for work. After a few minutes i finally found something that i liked and put it on.


I sat down at my vanity to try and fix my blonde lace front. I brushed it out and fixed my baby hairs. I then did my eybrows, put concealer under my eyes and put on some lashes. To top it off, i put on some lip gloss. I got up to put my shoes on. I grabbed my purse, keys and my phone. Before i left my room i sprayed vanilla perfume on my neck wrist and clothes.

As i left my room i went to the refrigerator and grabbed a cold water bottle and popped a mint flavored peice of gum in my mouth. I left out my apartment and locked the door behind me.

I walked out of the apartment complex and walked towards a black F82 M4 BMW. I unlocked the door and went around the the drivers side. I got in closed the door and started the car up. I sat there drunken in my thoughts. 'man work tires me out so much but i love what i do'. I did the same thing every day. I put my seatbelt on and turned the radio on. I then drove off to work.

a kiss (i.midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now