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We spent the afternoon in the glorious sunshine, throwing a football with some of the pups. I'd stripped my shirt off only ten minutes prior and done my best to ignore the attention of the drooling pack females, and the disapproving gaze of the board members who had meandered down and now stood along the sideline, watching my every move. I was used to being watched, being relatively new to the role of Alpha to the Toronto pack, even if their constant watch did distract me somewhat from my activity with the pups and Willem. As uncomfortable as I felt with constant attention, Niði, my wolf, was loving it.

Krista is looking nice today, Niði suggested.

I glanced over at the she-wolf he was referring to. Sweeping her dark hair off her shoulder, she shot me a sultry smile, her dark eyes smouldering with lust, and Niði replayed our last tryst together in our mind. It was last Saturday evening; Willem and I had been drinking at the tavern, and drunkenly I had agreed to go home with her. She was a relatively mild lover, who loved to be dominated by her Alpha. All of the females were the same.

We can't go back there so soon, you know she wants to be our Luna. I reminded him. He instantly went quiet. He hated the idea of mating as much as I did. In order to avoid that, we carefully rotated the females we lay with. Avoid making connections, avoid forming relationships, and most importantly, avoid taking a Luna.

I turned my back on the board members and the doting females, Krista included, trying my best to block them out as Niði had successfully done.

"Willem, go long!" I called and without waiting, I sent the ball flying beyond his head. In a gleeful squeal, the pups took off after the ball. Willem watched as they retrieved it and returned it dutifully to him.

He tossed the ball between his hands, with a small, arrogant smile playing at his lips and I readied myself for what I knew would be a powerful throw. I watched as he cocked his arm, then the ball flew through the air with the deadly speed of an arrow. I turned to chase it down, my eyes calculating the balls trajectory. It was heading straight for the board members. Perhaps I could 'accidentally' take one down, if only I could make it there in time.

I glanced back at the ball and put on an extra burst of speed, but alas, the board members parted to clear the way. I stepped one foot on the ledge of the fountain, catapulting myself into the air, collecting the ball with one hand and drawing it close to my body. I felt like I was flying. But the thing about gravity is, what goes up must come down. As I fell, I twisted my body, bracing for impact. With an almighty crash, I landed in the fountain, the water exploding around me, soaking the members of the board.

I sunk below the surface, feeling the cool water completely cover my body. Niði loved the water, he would stay and have me swim in the fountain, in front of most of the pack, if only I would allow it.

We can't swim in the fountain, I told him.

We could, he argued playfully.

We can't.

Sometimes being a wolf was like having a small, disobedient child in your mind.

I resent that, Niði growled gently.

Still holding the ball, and completely soaked, I pushed myself up and waded to the edge of the fountain. With my spare hand, I leapt from the fountain, spraying the board members.

"Whoops, so sorry about that," I feigned regret, hoping they couldn't see the smile playing at the edge of my lips. I noted that Bradford, standing the closest to impact, was particularly wet.

They look pissed, Niði stated.

Good. I grunted back to him.

"Community engagement is key to success," I said to the board members with a smirk as I booted the ball as far as I could and watched as the pups chased it down.

Willem jogged towards me, laughing and clapped me on the back.

"Great take," he cheered, and I felt Niði fervently agree. Then Willem noticed the drenched board members and he let out a low whistle.

"I think we're done here," he said, turning his back on the board members. "To the tavern?"

"To the tavern," I agreed.

A small "ahem," came from behind me. I turned, somewhat impatiently.

"Well, you're all soaked." I said with the authority and tone of someone who by all rights, should have been completely dry, not half naked and literally dripping of water. "Go home and change. You are dismissed for the day. To be honest, I thought that much was obvious when I walked out of the office earlier."

"But sir, your father-"

"I said you are dismissed," I boomed menacingly, my voice deeper and firmer than before. This time, the dominance in my voice made it clear my words were a command to my subordinates. "Go on. Fuck off now."

I went to retrieve my shirt, but it was gone. I sighed. The amount of shirts that I went through was annoying really. They always seemed to disappear, especially with a hoard of she-wolves nearby.

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