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-Seths POV-

i was strolling around hell, as usual. boredom was taking over me, and i'm not the kind of person that likes to sit and do nothing all day. as i was walking, i was thinking of what to do. lost in thought, i accidentally over heard a conversation that included Heaven, the so called Paradise, where Angels are living their perfect lives.. too perfect.
an idea popped into my mind; why not disturb them a bit? it wouldn't change much, and it would be a pretty fun experience. but first, how do i even get there?
i walked and walked, until i remembered my father mentioning a spell, which allowed Demons to get into Heaven. i got excited about the idea, so i quickly started to head home, as i knew where the spell book was lying. it was hidden. hidden very well, because the spells, were pretty much forbidden. the consequences were strict and unpleasant. but, rules are meant to be broken, right?

as i reached home, i gently opened the door, walking quietly upstairs. my father wasn't home, but who knew, i just was cautious just in case. i went into  a room, that was filled with all kinds of books. it was like a small home library. i looked around, watching each book carefully, trying to find the one i was looking for, but unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found.

i know i saw it here.. - i murmured to myself, and i walked over to one of the shelves, and i started to search all the books each by each. maybe it had a glued on cover? maybe some of the books were fake? unfortunately for me, no. all of them were normal, nothing suspicious about them.

i sighed, disappointed that i couldn't find the book. but, i wasn't about to give up just like that. i went into my fathers room, roaming through everything, in hopes i would find anything. yet, nothing interesting was found. i looked all over the house, looking through every corner carefully. after i looked everywhere, i went into my room, i sat on the floor, leaning on the wall, and i sighed deeply.

where could it be.. - i said to myself again. i was doubting that my father would take the book somewhere else. the book had to be in this home. yet, i couldn't think of where could it be hidden. i stood up after a while of thinking, and i went to the small library once more. i looked around, and i looked at a small table that was in the room. i didn't notice before, but it had a small drawer built-in. i got my hopes back up, and i quickly opened it. i didn't find the book. but i found a page that has been ripped out of it. it was exactly what i was looking for. i looked very thoroughly into the details of the spell. every each one was important when it came to spells. then, once i remembered all, i placed the page back into its place. i quickly walked into my room, and i prepared everything i needed, to make the spell work. i closed my eyes, saying the spell out loud.

but nothing changed. or so i thought. i didn't feel any changes in my body, or in the temperature, nothing. i got mad, and i was ready to complain loudly to myself, until i opened my eyes back up. bright light blinding my eyes, i covered it up with my hand, and i looked around. the spell indeed worked. i was in heaven. i couldn't believe how beautiful it was in here. the rumors were true, it really dod look like a paradise. i stood up, and i started walking. i didn't know where i was going, but i started to go into what looked  like a park. i started to see some angels. all of them were truly beautiful, they looked flawless. as i was admiring them, i was getting very weird looks from others. i wondered why, but soon, i felt a heavy hit on the back of my head, and that's all i remeber.

i regained my consciousness, and everything hurt. my whole body was throbbing in pain. i groaned, and i tried to move. i felt cold under myself. i opened my eyes, and i noticed i was laying on a floor

what the fuck.. where am i.. - i murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, and i looked around. i noticed a figure standing in the corner. when my eyes fixated on it, it's wings fluttered, like it got startled by my gaze. - h-hey.. you. show yourself. - i said a bit louder. the figure stepped closer to me. it was an angel. he was a boy. he looked so soft, and pure. he was beautiful just like the rest of the angels here. i knew he was afraid of me, as his hands were softly trembling, and his look was like as if he had seen a ghost. - who are you.. and why- -my words had been cut off by him.

how do you feel?.. - he asked, looking at me closely. he stepped even closer, crouching in front of me. he moved his hand closer to me, and i flinched slightly, afraid he might hurt me, like the others did. he noticed that and quickly took backed his hand away. - do not worry.. i won't hurt you.. i want to help.

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