Chapter 2

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The smell of blood filled my nose as I pulled the knife from the man's skull. I turned around after hearing a shuffling sound. There stood a woman, her jaw agape and horror in her eyes. I raised my pistol and fired, blood spraying against the wall behind her. I walked over her corpse, turning at the quick patter of feet, seeing a small boy running down the hallway, I raised my pistol again.

Walking outside as the house burned behind me, I saw corpses littering the streets. I saw three people fleeing from another house down the street, and didn't hesitate. I fired thrice and three bodies started growing cold. This was my job. I am a liquidator. But is this right? Of course, they are the enemy.... Right? I felt this pain in my chest. It was this weird cold feeling, I didn't like it. No, I hated it. I hated this cursed life. My life. A noise in an alley behind me drew my attention. I walked over, looking for any sign of life. There, I saw a small group of people huddling, trying to hide. I approached silently, not a sound coming from my approach. I raised my weapon, preparing to end another life, but something happened that stopped me. Someone jumped in front of them. Her. Serene, with her beautiful green eyes, the scar below her right eye, her pale skin and pink lips, her brown hair.... No... no no no no no! This, this can't be real! This isn't real! Stop! Stop it! Let me out! I don't want this! Please!

Waking with a start, I felt the sweat on my face drip. Reaching down, I grabbed the rosary that hung from my neck. I clutched it tightly, trying to steady my breathing. My sister looked over at me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Another dream?" She asked.

I just nodded.

"I've told you, maybe you should talk to someone. I don't think-" she started, but I cut her off.

"I'm fine" I said, more iron in my voice than I meant.

I stood up, pulling my suit back on, relaxing in the familiar feeling as it pulled tight over my skin. I walked over to the cockpit, opening the door and tapping a pilot on the shoulder.

"How much longer?"


Eveline looked on in worry, she knew her brother was not fragile, but there was only so much a person could handle. She knew their parent's dying had hurt him, and Serene was his breaking point. She missed the fun loving guy her brother used to be, she missed his stupid jokes, his goofy smile, the way he was always trying to see the bright side of things. That was gone now, replaced by a hateful man who wanted to die, but would never go down without a fight. He never talked about being on a liquidator squad, and she didn't blame him. Of thousands of liquidators, only six were pardoned for their crimes, her brother being one of them. It was lucky really, apparently, during a mission, he had hesitated when seeing a woman who resembled Serene, his first love. He had helped them escape, but once they found out, they had him arrested. He didn't fight, and a week later, the war was over. They were 19 that day, when the government finally agreed to a ceasefire. And they ended up playing a crucial part in the rebuilding process and the establishment of a new central government. This was because they were the last of their bloodline. The Arctaurus family were nobles of mars, who were known for their loyalty to the people. So when the head of the family died, this burden fell onto the shoulders of his two children, Eveline and Harper von Arctaurus.

Eveline sighed, leaning her head back against the wall of the bullhead.


I walked off the Bullhead, taking in the sight of this city. It was called Vale, and as far as I could tell, there was no significance for the name. I looked at my unit, thinking about orders and other things that needed to be handled. A radio operator approached me, saluting when he got in front of me. I saluted back before speaking, "what's the news Adams?"

"Sir, fleet command says reinforcements will be here within the hour" Adams said.

"Any idea who the admiral is?" I asked, hoping it was someone I knew.

"Admiral Mendoza sir, I was also informed that a few friends of yours were coming too, someone named Sophia?" Adams reported.

This was good. I was close friends with Admiral Mendoza, and Sophia was a fellow liquidator like me. We had served together before I got arrested, so she and I had something in common. That is, we were both declared "not war criminals" and as such, were not executed. Sophia and I also had an intimate relationship. It was more of a "friends with benefits" situation than anything. Sophia had joined the mob at my recommendation after the war, and so she ended up becoming an enforcer, and she built a small army for the Sinclair family, bringing them quite a bit of power.

Admiral Mendoza was my friend because she had known my parents. She had been there for me when I needed help, so if she ever needed mine, I'd do it, no questions asked.

"Good, if it's Mendoza we will get a lot of support" I said.

Turning around at the sound of conflict, I saw a group of curious civilians gathering, which some of my men were trying to hold back and keep away from our injured and dead. A few people were let through since they were doctors and our medics needed all the help they could get, but the conflict seemed to be caused by confusion. Many of these people had animal traits, meaning they were Faunus. One man was shouting at a female Raider, who for her part was doing a good job of staying calm. I walked over there and tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to move out of my way.

"What seems to be the problem sir?" I asked.

"The problem is that you Atlas fucks need to leave! We don't want you here!" He shouted, raising several voices from the crowd who agreed.

"I can assure you sir that-" I started, but he cut me off, lunging for me. I reacted, dodging and throwing him on the ground, where two Raiders leapt on him and handcuffed him. This caused outcry by the crowd, who tried to surge forward, but were met with a wall of flesh as Lyrasi Raiders joined the wall, easily tossing people backwards.

By now, the crowd was growing, and I knew if I didn't do something, someone was going to do something stupid and die. I drew my pistol and fire a round into the dirt, causing the crowd to recoil and go silent.

"That's enough! We aren't with Atlas, so calm yourselves! We are here representing the Species Conglomerate!" I announced, drawing murmurs. I saw a man with a green scarf and white hair watching me intently, a blonde by his side, but I would deal with them later.

After a while the crowd dispersed and the man and woman approached. Before they could say anything a loud crack echoed across the land, drawing the attention of, no doubt, everyone in the city. Looking up I saw six ships exiting dimensional rifts, which looked like swirling purple clouds. I smiled, as I saw a citadel class carrier. A ship meant to function as a mobile military center, capable of house close to 2 million soldiers. Immediately, tons of ships and aircraft launched, and I noticed one of the approaching V-22's heading straight for us. Blackburn walked up to me, still staring at the ships.

"You really weren't lying..." he whispered.

"Want to fight for true equality?" I asked him, a smirk on my face.

The V-22 lowered its ramp as it landed and a squad of regular marines exited, among them was Sophia and a Colonel, which I found a little strange since officers weren't usually seen outside of planning rooms. Sophia approached me and wrapped me in a hug, a hug that I greatly appreciated. Setting me down, she looked me over.

"You look good for someone who nearly died" she remarked.

"Nah, Eveline was our pilot" I told her, earning a laugh.

"Yeah, she always was a better pilot" Sophia remarked. It was at this point the Colonel approached.

"Are you Captain Harper Arctaurus?" She asked me.

"Yes ma'am, what seems to be the problem?" I asked.

"You've been promoted to Major and have given command of ground forces in this theater" she said.

Don't I just have the worst luck?

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