"Huh?" Harry said perplexed and frowned before he got his features under control and started walking again. "Oh no, nothing. I just didn't expect you to be so...casual, you know?"

"Oh." Louis furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at him once more. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"No!" Harry interrupted him hastily. "No, it's fine! It was just surprising, but I like that side of you. Suits you."

"Oh, okay." Louis mumbled.

"So, why are you even wearing suits all the time? I mean, it's your company, you can do whatever you want." Harry wondered.

"Just because I'm the chief executive officer doesn't mean I own the company." Louis chuckled lightly.

"Oh." Harry mumbled, feeling dumb and he dropped his head in embarrassment.

"You can own a company and be CEO of it, but not necessarily. 'Narrative Games' is a limited company, there's four shareholders who decide over the position and who operates as the CEO, so basically they hired me if you can say it like that, though it wouldn't be easy to simply firing me." Louis chuckled again, not even noticing that he got relaxter with every word talking about his job. But Harry did and he was glued to his lips in astonishment. "I am authorized to basically do whatever I want as long as I keep the company in the plus range and with that comes that I am responsible for everything around the company's business and representing it externally, manage the sales, the deals and of course I'm the legal representative along with having to keep everything proper and legal in relation to the internal revenue service and all that."

"Wow." Harry whistled. "That's a lot of responsibility."

"It is. But I love my job and that I am responsible for so many people." Louis said truthfully.

They stopped in front of a restaurant and Harry eyed him unsurely in case Louis didn't approve of it, but he just smiled at him questioningly as if to wonder if Harry chose this one for their lunch. Harry nodded towards the entrance and sighed relieved when Louis didn't even hesitate and they went inside, getting guided to their table.

"Why? I mean, it could ruin you if anything would go wrong. Isn't that a lot of pressure?" Harry asked once a waiter served them a bottle of water and took their orders for drinks.

"Yes, but when I went to University and I saw how horrible most corporate structures were from hearsay and my own experience from doing internships- not economically, just to be clear, but humanly- I wanted to change something, you know?" Louis explained with a frown on his face deep in thought on how to express his reasons. "The further I made it during my study the more I wanted to work towards someday being in a position where I could actively do something, so I took my chance when I got offered the CEO position and that's why I value a good and healthy working evironment so the employees like going to work again. And to answer your question, this is what makes me happy and if I can accomplish that with just a little effort of being nice then being responsible and pressured, possibly harming my career then I gladly risk it if that means some people are happy."

Harry simply gawked at him over the table, unable to close his mouth nor move a muscle as he tried to get into his head what Louis just said and that he was actually- and all of a sudden he remembered what Laura said the other day in the kitchen- a saint.

"What?" Louis asked confused when he saw the look on Harry's face.

"Since I'm working here I thought everyone has to exaggerate by praising you in the highest tones, saying you're like the nicest person ever and shit, okay? And now you're sitting here dropping such things and I can't understand how a single person actually is like this? How?" Harry asked baffled and for the first time since he could remember he saw Louis smiling genuinely.

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