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For the last hour Harry glanced at the clock on his phone that was laying next to him on his desk every minute, not able to miss a single one being too eager for the time to jump to twelve thirty. He couldn't concentrate on anything, searching up restaurants where him and Louis could go to, calculating how much time they would have until they reached their destination and thinking of conversations he could start not to make it awkward.

Once it was twelve twenty five he jumped up from his seat and snatched his phone and wallet, hurrying towards the door. Niall just threw him a funny look and shook his head turning back to his work.

"Hey, where are you going?" Sheila stopped him and he grimaced before turning around to her with an innocent smile.

"Oh, just having lunch." He said shortly and glanced at his phone to see the time- again. "I'm starving."

"So you already have plans? I wanted to ask to go out together as long as we still can, but maybe tomorrow?" Sheila asked and bit her lip excitedly.

"As long as we still can?" Harry asked confused.

"Oh, yeah. Well, I sent Mr. Tomlinson a mail asking him if it's possible to retrain for something more commercial because I want to develop professionally and I just received a reply that I could come to his office later and discuss it in person. Isn't that exciting? I'm gonna be in his office and talking to him!" Sheila babbled with wide and glistening eyes.

"Oh, did he?" Harry faked a smile, his teeth pressed together.

"Yes! And if I get another position in the company maybe we won't see each other that often anymore." Sheila said still happily.

"What a shame." Harry sighed exaggerating. "I'm sure we'll manage. I have to go now, so see you later." He spun around and his face dropped as soon as his back was turned to her and he rushed out of the room.

He was just about to walk down the steps when he saw Zayn walking out of the kitchen and turning the corner to the hallway where his office was located. Harry stilled horrified and hurried back up the stairs.

"Fuck." He breathed out panicked.

He hadn't thought of it until now, but if Zayn saw him with Louis then hell would break lose. He hurried back to his office and opened the Teams app hastily, quickly texting Louis to meet downstairs in five minutes, then the risk to be seen with him would be minimal. When Louis replied to him with a simple 'okay' he sighed relieved and took his time leaving now.

Thankfully neither Sheila nor anyone else stopped him so once he was standing in the elevator his good mood was back. And when he stepped out and Louis was already waiting for him in the foyer with his back to him, his broad shoulders covered by his light blue button up and his entire figure perfectly shaped, the fabric of his dark blue suit pants hugging his legs and the shiny black dress shoes sparkling in the sunlight, his mood shot through the roof and he stopped for a second just taking in his appearance.

Then Louis turned around as if he noticed a gaze on him and a small smile drew on his lips when he saw Harry standing there who quickly shook his head and crossed the hall with quick steps until he stood in front of him.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi." Louis greeted back and stuffed his hands in his pockets not knowing what to do with them.

"I feel underdressed next to you." Harry chuckled when they walked out of the building and he pointed to his jeans and polo shirt.

"We can switch, I don't have the desire running around in a suit every day." Louis said jokingly.

Harry stopped abruptly, not believing that he was talking so casually to him when earlier he was so hesitant. Did something happen?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Louis asked cautiously when he noticed Harry had stopped and turned around to him.

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