11: SEPARATION - Diamond in the Rough

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[In this empty bed, where I'm all alone,
I've been such a mess.]

(4 days since Raphael's capture.)

Splinter was peacefully meditating in the training room as he waited for Draxum or one of their daughters to call him for dinner, while doing so, the candles flickered even when there were no signs of wind or any movement that could have caused that reaction.

Splinter opened his eyes, interrupted by the candles flickering for a few seconds before going out on their own, isolating Splinter in the dimly lit room, only to be illuminated a few seconds later by the faint glow of the presence of one of the current clan Masters, reaching out to Splinter.

"Master Pann," Splinter bowed in respect, "what may I do for your brief contact?"

"Hamato Yoshi, there is no time to waste!" Master Pann said with much urgency, "Raphael has been abducted by the Foot clan!"

"What?!" Splinter gasped, "One of my boys have been taken? You promised to protect him! How could you let this happen?!"

Millions and millions of images of the possibilities of what Shredder and the Foot clan could do to Raphael ran through his mind like a movie put to fast forward, four times speed. His mind was in a nauseous haze as Splinter listened to what else Master Pann had to tell him.

"I'm ashamed of telling you the news, our temple has been destroyed and there wasn't any much fight left in us by the time Shredder left with your son," Master Pann explained apologetically, "and so I contacted you to let you know. I am sending out a massage to the other clan masters to inform Raphael's siblings and for extra helping hands to rescue Raphael."

"But Shredder is almost impossible to defeat!" Splinter exclaimed, hands shaking with fury.

"Yes, but in numbers, he might be defeated," Master Pann said, "if he gets his claws on any Hamato ninpo, he will become unstoppable!"

"But Raphael hasn't mastered the art of ninpo yet!" Splinter stated.

"Well let's hope that Shredder does not know about that, good luck, Yoshi."

It was dark once again and the candles were lit back up, and Splinter sat there in the middle of the room for a few moments, before the haunting urgency kicked in and made something in him snap. His paternal instinct.

"Draxum!" Splinter called as he stumbled into the kitchen, alerting his partner, who was cooking dinner, "Draxum! Raphael!"

"Raphael?!" Draxum put the ladle down, turned the stove off and removed his apron, "What? What has happened?"

"The Shredder had captured my boy!" Splinter replied, panicking, "We must get as much help as we can!" He added, "Call Jennika, Venus! We must prepare for battle! Raphael shall not be harmed!"

Draxum saw it unfurl right before him — the panic attack, Splinter's panic attack. Eyes darting from one direction to another rapidly, hands shaking, talking faster than usual almost trailing off into gibberish, and profuse amount of sweating.

"Papa what's happening with Dad?" Venus panicked at Splinter's state, Jennika holding her back from going any closer to Draxum and Splinter.

"Is there any way we could help?" Jennika asked, worried.

"Girls, I need you to keep a safe distance," Draxum instructed with all the calmness he could muster at the moment, "Venus, go boil up some water for tea, Jennika, I need you to prepare a bucket just in case."

The two immediately moved to do the tasks that were given to them without missing a heartbeat.

"Lou," Draxum called in a calm voice, holding Splinter by the shoulders with a reassuring squeeze, "I could help you make the preparations for the battle against Shredder to take back Raphael, but I cannot do that if you're in this state." He added as he lowered himself to Splinter's level.

Splinter's tense shoulders slowly slumped as he slowly calmed down, eyes now finding Draxum's and staying there, "Now before that, I need you to breathe with me," Draxum said as he knew he had Splinter's attention.

"I want you to breathe in through your nose for four seconds, and breathe out through your mouth for four seconds, and we'll do this again until you have completely calmed down," Draxum explained, having Splinter's full attention, hand hovering Splinter's hand that was on his chest, while the free hand was on the latter's, Splinter sent a nod in return.

Draxum did the breathing exercise with Splinter for a few more moments, just making sure he's calming down, the tension on his body slowly going away, heartbeat slowing down, the shaking of his hands as well, and his eyes had stopped darting here and there.

"Thank you, Draxum," Splinter said as he leaned onto Draxum's chest, "what would I ever do without your help."

"Is Dad alright now?" Vee called from the kitchen before coming into view, releasing a sigh of relief as she saw Splinter relaxed and well, "Oh thank goodness you're alright, Dad."

"I'm glad you're alright, Dad," Jennika said, placing the bucket down to help Draxum guide Splinter to the living room to make him comfortable.

"Quick," Splinter said on their way to the couch, "your brother needs our help, the Shredder has got him, your other brothers are on their way here to assemble and make plans to retrieve Raphael."

"Well, we won't be able to help Raphael if you're all up in a frenzy," Vee said, worried.

"Let us hope that Raphael isn't hurt and that we come up with a plan," Jennika said.

"Yes, my daughter, let us hope for the best..." Splinter whispered. "I have a lot of apologizing to do when all our sons return." He added with a remorseful look sent Draxum's way. "I should have never let them go, what was I thinking?"

"You did your best, Lou," Draxum reassured, "in all reality, even I would have a hard time to send Jennika and Venus away, the thought of them out of sight and out of reach scares me." He added, helping Splinter walk towards the living space so he can sit.

"If I may, I should contact Raphael to see if he is alright." Splinter declared, but it sounded like he was asking permission at the same time with how polite he was talking to Draxum.

"Shall we leave you alone for some peace and quiet?" Draxum asked, instinctively gliding his thumb over Splinter's knuckles.

"Please, stay," Splinter smiled.

Splinter never said it, but he has been greatly grateful to take in Draxum, not only did having Draxum and the girls occupied a portion of his heart that was empty, but if they weren't present for the past years, he wouldn't know where he would be if he lived alone in the sewers without his other children.

And so, Splinter started meditating while Draxum and the girls sat close by. He concentrated on the constant calm beating of his heart and his breathing. Soon, he found himself in the shared safe oasis of the astral lanes.

"Raphael?" Splinter called, his voice soft and gentle. Yet the only reply to his call was his own voice, bouncing back to him.

Splinter walked further through the cherry blossom trees that grew tall and beautifl, always in full bloom, past the turtle pond that grew murky since Donnie never visited the astral lanes, past the train station that Raph had come up, Splinter remember that its purpose was to take them anywhere within the shared astral lanes. Again and again, he tried calling out to Raph, and no answer.

Splinter fluttered his eyes open, eyes greeted with faces of anticipation and worry.

"Did you made contact with Raphael?" Jennika asked, hoping for the best answer possible.

All their lingering anticipation and hope had crumbled as soon as Splinter shook his head disheartened that he was unable to find Raphael.

"My red boy, please be safe." Splinter said, voice lower than a whisper.


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