07: SEPARATION - Leonardo/White Fluff

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[When I'd be waking up with you, only doing those things we wanna do.
My heart is anywhere you go.
When I'm next to you, I'm home.]

So, we did try to make friends with the visitors... I definitely made most of the talking.

Leo did not, in fact, do most of the talking. He stood on the sidelines, lurking, listening to the conversations his friends initiated, every time someone from the group of new faces introduced themselves, Leo would send a brief nod their way and tell his name, not making any eye contact longer than three seconds.

"Hey! I'm Yuichi Usagi!" Leo didn't see a face at first, but he saw a hand or paw, covered in white fur, reaching for a handshake, "You must be Hamato Leonardo, it's nice to meet you."

Leo nodded briefly at Usagi, not bothering to shake hands with him.

Usagi did not let it slide.

"Leo-" Ira whisper-yelled at him.

"At least try to be nicer," Usagi commented, sounding a bit backhanded.

"Usagi!" Gen chastised, trying to deescalate the situation.

"No!" Usagi barked, before drawing his attention back at Leo, "You're a piece of work, aren't you? I was trying to be nice here!"

"What, bunny boy?" Leo snapped back, "Want an award for being nice? Give you a bundle of carrots like the good cutie you are?"

"Cutie?!" Usagi gasped in disbelief at what Leo called him, "Alright! That's it!" Usagi dropped his sword and lunged onto Leo, both falling to the ground as they started to take things to a physical level, throwing punches, kicking at each other, trying to harm each other at this point.

Gen and Herbert immediately took action, breaking Leo and Usagi away from each other, yelling as both of them to stop, no one was severely hurt, aside from the bleeding nose Leo had and the slight pain Usagi got from the base of his ears.

Chizu and Gen were scolding Usagi while holding him back as he tried to wriggled his way out of Gen's hold, while Leo tried biting, but Ira was there to prevent it before he could cause any more damage. Unbeknownst to the group of teenagers, the guardian of the visitors witnessed the commotion with an elder of the clan.

"What is the meaning of this?" Asked the spotted rabbit, a displeased expression on his face.

That moment, it was too late for neither of us to realize the gravity of the situation. We practically battered each other up, right in front of a lot of people, even the elders saw. I didn't really care about it at the time, but it was so disrespectful. Out of embarrassment, we moved away from each other, it would be an exaggeration if I told you that we were on our knees, but we actually were!

"Mugi-" Usagi stuttered, "I can explain-"

"I am for sure that what I have seen is self-explanatory, Usagi," Mugi replied sternly, not letting Usagi finish his sentence, "First few minutes in the temple and this is how you behave? I expected more from you."

"Leonardo!" Leo flinched at the call of his name.

"Master Ahmed-" Before Leo could finish talking, his master had yelled at him again.

"Just wait till I tell your father about this! Yoshi will be deeply disappointed with how you have been behaving lately!"

So, there I was after the incident, cleaning horse stables with cotton tail. I'd say that the smell of the crap all over the stable's floor was enough to piss me off again, but the look of Usagi just makes me want to stab him with a pitch fork.

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