03: Take Away Four from Five, and Add Three

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[Wish I could be there with you.
I'm feeling lost without you.]

And after his children were fetched, Splinter instantly felt the loneliness inside the lair, no noise coming from a corner wherein Leo was running away from Donnie, who would obviously be angry about something having to do with either an experiment or an invention gone wrong, Splinter didn't hear Mikey's artistic busy working in his area in the lair or more like smell, Mikey had started to experiment with paint, and he certainly doesn't hear any best mustered up authoritative voice from his red coded son, Raph, trying to tell Leo off again for being an annoying twin to Donnie. He instantly missed his dear children.

Splinter proceeded to meditate for a while before retreating to his bedroom, to test if he can astral project and talk with at least one of his sons and make sure that they are alright. Though while doing so, the had heard a ruckus from a distance within the sewers, he instantly hurried to investigate the commotion.

"What is making all this noise?" He wondered to himself as he cautiously walked through the sewers.

Splinter saw something stomping on the sewer floor, its metal feet trudging onto the concrete, whirring and clamping its jaws as it took sight of Splinter. Splinter quickly ran away from the area as he saw that the animated machine wasn't alone but with numbers of it red beaming lights flared at the sight of him, all targeting him.

He had skillfully smashed some and even damaged others to bring the other copies into pieces. Splinter ran through the sewers as fast as he could in hopes of confusing them, instantly thinking that he was glad that his children weren't with him, because if they actually were, they would be in total distress in this situation.

It was not long since Splinter had been running from the robots, which he now called mousers, assuming that they only target rats since he saw others get distracted by normal rats in the sewers. He was already surrounded, cornered, unable to come up with a plan to escape. Splinter tried opening the man hole cover yet it didn't budge, he tried to squeeze into the barred passageway of the sewer tunnels, but the spaces in between were too narrow for his size to get through.

Just as when he was about to give up after numerous times of struggling, enormous vines smashed all the mousers, saving Splinter from his supposed gruesome death.

"Wait, I know those enormous purple vines anywhere!" Splinter yelled in rage, "Baron Draxum?!" He called just when he saw Draxum's silhouette.

10 years ago...

Hamato Yoshi, or more well known as Lou Jitsu, action star, was in his trailer, prepping for another action movie, his mind wasn't lost in the words of the script he had taken to memorize his lines, but the box that his grandfather had given him a few weeks ago, it was filled with scrolls, some seemed ancient, yellow and withering in old age but well preserved, like the white new ones.

While he stared at the wooden box filled with the clan's ancient scrolls, he heard a loud knock on the door of the trailer. He remembered that he had locked it, so he stood up in order to open it. But a few steps towards the door later, it was forcibly opened in the most violent way possible with what he assumed was a snake.

Before he could react, Yoshi was then grabbed by the ankle and dragged out of his trailer by, from what he could see clearer, a vine — alive and moving on its own! Yoshi tried at least several times to free himself from the long drag, but later he lost consciousness by his head hitting the ground, instantly blacking out.

Yoshi later then finds himself caged in a very peculiar place. It was dark, but his eyes later adjusted to it, as he did his best to be familiar with his surroundings, head aching probably from how his head hit the ground earlier.

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