05: SEPARATION - Donatello/Spiritually Stuck

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[Anywhere you are is where I want to go, you are my address.
I don't care how I get it, need a one way ticket home.
Need a one way ticket home.]

[TW // violence, talks of trauma]

(2 years, 7 months since the separation.)

Greetings and salutations! I am Donatello Hamato, son of Yoshi "Splinter" Hamato, sibling of Raphael, Leonardo, and Michelangelo. If you aren't aware, I am a mutant turtle, 13 years ago, our Master and father had rescued us from a mutagen explosion, and due to having mutagen in our systems, my brothers and I are now what we have come to be. Mutant turtles.

Like my siblings, I have been sent to a different country because our grandmother and other ancestors have warned Dad that the Foot clan has been hunting us down. Now I reside in the Hong Kong branch of the Hamato clan along with non-human members.

Master Hue taught us the necessities in becoming a ninja, with stealth; the element of invisibility by sticking to the shadows and staying as silent as a sneaky mouse, agility, speed; the ability to attack and counterattack with much swiftness, flexibility and honor. The last two are self explanatory.

In my free time and during the weekends, I stay in my room, adding modifications to my battle shell and to my bo staff, which I now call tech-bo. I need my battle shell in order to protect my shell and to adapt to my environment. As the only sea turtle and soft-shelled turtle among my siblings, I have to find ways to be protected while also being able to adapt to my surroundings.

I don't go out much, unless I need to, by that, I meant when I go to collect an ample amount of supply of my jellyfish, and my stones; they keep my spiritual strength and peace balanced.

While I may seem to have so much time on tech, training, and tethering my spiritual strength, I always had time for my siblings, also Dad, but he's been extra busy these past few months, probably hiding away from the Foot clan, as he should.

Tonight, I'm on the hunt for more jellyfish, it's mating season for those stingers, so might as well take the opportunity while I can. And you might assume that these jellyfish are for regular consumption, actually, no.

If humans have energy drinks or other (but illegal) means for energy boost, demons have fear to consume for their empowerment, I, a sea turtle mutant, have my jellyfish.

I'm an insomniac, and I rarely get any sleep. Lack of sleep is equivalent to no energy in the morning and drowsiness, so, the solution, are my sweet stock of jellyfish.

Tonight, I have to be extra quick, I can fill maybe three bags of jellyfish and then head out to buy some amethyst at the night market with my friends.

"Don, how long are you exactly gonna be underwater?" Aisha questioned, slightly worried. "It's almost dark out, and last I checked, you guys don't have night vision."

"Do not fret, my friend, my turtle senses are here to help me," Donnie replied as he set his equipment to underwater mode. "It's only three bags, Aisha, I'll be back before you could say uranium!"

Donnie then dove into the water, salt water splashing onto Aisha. Donnie quickly went to work, picking out the biggest jellyfishes, fitting three or four of them in one bag before stocking them in a cooler. One bag done.

Donnie swam deeper to collect more, filling up the second bag. Two bags done.

Just when Donnie was about to finish, he saw a shark swimming close by. Hoping that the salt water predator wouldn't notice him, Donnie quickly collected the last of his jellyfish and quickly swam to the harbor, throwing the bag of jellyfish into the cooler before hoisting himself up, just in time before the shark could get a nibble out of him.

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