08: SEPARATION - Splinter/Feelings, Fatherhood, Family

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[Wish I could be there with you.
I'm feeling lost without you.]

I am Hamato Yoshi. But after I have mutated into a humanoid rat, caused by a mad scientist and warrior, Baron Draxum, now I go by the name Splinter.

It had been three years since I sent my sons away, I miss them so. I always wonder what they have been doing, but since I have been reassured by my clan brothers that my sons have been doing well, I have been more at ease.

It's also ben three years since I agreed to co-parent with the same mad scientist, who is now, apparently, the father of my children.

Today, I celebrate my partnership anniversary with Draxum — it is not an occasion I nor Draxum invented, but our daughters, Jennika and Venus did, to commemorate the day I took them in with warmth, empathy, and kindness.

"Happy anniversary, Dad and Papa!" Vee said gleefully as she set a gift that was wrapped in red and finished with white ribbon onto the dinner table, "for the best fathers we ever had!"

"Thank you, Venus," Splinter said, calling his youngest daughter by her color code, "I will open this after dinner."

"I have prepared letters to both of you, Father, Pops," Jennika said, giving them their letters.

"Sooo~ what are your plans for tonight?" Vee asked before taking a spoon full of her food, chewing and swallowing, "A night walk? Some privacy? Jenni and I can give you privacy if you need that-"

"Vee..." Jennika nervously scolded, stopping Vee from reciting her list of options, "I'm sorry, father, pops, we're just so excited that you two have got along so well since we got here, we're more than happy of your...companionship."

Draxum and Splinter shared a brief look at each other before fixating on their daughters.

"But of course, Jennika," Draxum said, a soft smile etched on his lips, "we're thankful for the gifts, and Lou and I will be having a walk, alone with each other, it's about time we have a moment to ourselves."


"Is there something you wish to speak to me about, Draxum?" Splinter asked as they've reached a rooftop of a certain building.

"Jennika and Venus wish to be independent," Draxum said, staring at the Nexus hotel in the distance, its bright neon lights glaring at them.

"You don't suppose..."

"Jennika was approached by Big Mama, she told me this a few nights ago when she came home from the Hidden City," Draxum explained, "she and her sister looked thrilled to be working for Big Mama."

"But don't they know the consequences of working for Big Mama?" Splinter questioned, voice slowly raised as he grew even more worried, "You told me before, you saw how she makes deals and change them within the last minute!"

"I know, Lou!" Draxum replied, "I told her not to take the offer, and told her the treacherous things that Big Mama had done to new workers in the Battle Nexus, they'd be lucky to work by Big Mama's side."

"We cannot let them work for her! We cannot!" Splinter demanded, scared that he had to send his daughters away as well.

"But Lou, think about it, Jennika and Venus were both offered an occupation wherein their needs would be met, such as their own house, food, and days off," Draxum counted the benefits to Big Mama's offer, "they will be well provided, if the chance given would be just to be Big Mama's bodyguards, the only harmful thing they could do is handle a public execution, which rarely happens within the Battle Nexus, the last public execution was centuries ago, they will be fine."

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