🦋༺❘ 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚘𝚏... ❘༻🦋

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Hello, friend! This chapter will have a bunch of synonyms instead of saying "Very..."! I hope you'll enjoy :)

┏━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━┓🦋 Instead of:🦋 ┗━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━┛

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🦋 Instead of:🦋

🦋 Very tired = Exhausted, fatigued, drained, weary, spent

🦋 Very happy = Overjoyed, ecstatic, elated, jubilant, euphoric

🦋 Very sad = Despondent, melancholic, forlorn, heartbroken, crestfallen

🦋 Very angry = Furious, enraged, irate, incensed, livid

🦋 Very beautiful = Stunning, gorgeous, exquisite, breathtaking, alluring

🦋 Very ugly = Hideous, repulsive, grotesque, revolting, unsightly

🦋 Very good = Excellent, superb, outstanding, exceptional, remarkable

🦋 Very bad = Terrible, dreadful, abysmal, atrocious, deplorable

🦋 Very smart = Intelligent, brilliant, clever, astute, knowledgeable

🦋 Very dumb = Stupid, unintelligent, foolish, ignorant, dim-witted

🦋 Very hungry = Ravenous, famished, starved, voracious, insatiable

🦋 Very cold = Freezing, frigid, icy, glacial, polar

🦋 Very hot = Scorching, sweltering, blistering, searing, sizzling

🦋 Very old = Ancient, antique, venerable, elderly, timeworn

🦋 Very young = Juvenile, youthful, tender, inexperienced, fresh

🦋 Very scared = Terrified, petrified, horrified, panicked, trembling

🦋 Very cute = Adorable, charming, endearing, sweet, lovable

🦋 Very quiet = Hushed, silent, noiseless, tranquil, serene

🦋 Very loud = Deafening, thunderous, boisterous, cacophonous, earsplitting

🦋 Very small = Tiny, minuscule, petite, diminutive, microscopic

🦋 Very large = Enormous, massive, colossal, gigantic, mammoth

🦋 Very clean = Pristine, spotless, immaculate, unsoiled, unblemished

🦋 Very dirty = Filthy, grimy, squalid, mucky, soiled

🦋 Very fast = Swift, rapid, speedy, quick, brisk

🦋 Very slow = Sluggish, leisurely, plodding, unhurried, gradual

🦋 Very bright = Radiant, brilliant, luminous, dazzling, gleaming

🦋 Very dark = Obsidian, inky, pitch-black, ebony, impenetrable

🦋 Very dry = Arid, parched, bone-dry, desiccated, dehydrated

🦋 Very tall = Towering, colossal, statuesque, lofty, giant

🦋 Very short = Petite, compact, diminutive, stubby, undersized

🦋 Very rich = Wealthy, affluent, opulent, prosperous, well-off

🦋 Very poor = Destitute, impoverished, penniless, indigent, needy

🦋 Very old-fashioned = Outdated, antiquated, archaic, obsolete, passe

🦋 Very modern = Contemporary, up-to-date, cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, innovative

🦋 Very busy = Hectic, bustling, frantic, swamped, occupied

🦋 Very sleepy = Drowsy, groggy, lethargic, somnolent, slumberous

🦋 Very anxious = Worried, agitated, apprehensive, edgy, unsettled

🦋 Very relaxed = Calm, serene, laid-back, tranquil, untroubled

🦋 Very excitable = Hyper, jumpy, skittish, frantic, overactive

🦋 Very kind = Benevolent, compassionate, generous, magnanimous, considerate

🦋 Very cruel = Sadistic, ruthless, merciless, brutal, inhumane

🦋 Very nervous = Anxious, jittery, fidgety, apprehensive, uneasy

🦋 Very puzzled = Bewildered, perplexed, confounded, mystified, flummoxed

🦋 Very vibrant = Lively, animated, effervescent, spirited, vivacious

🦋 Very eerie = Spine-chilling, uncanny, haunting, ghostly, supernatural

🦋 Very fragrant = Aromatic, redolent, scented, perfumed, sweet-smelling

🦋 Very secretive = Clandestine, covert, discreet, surreptitious

🦋 Very disorganized = Chaotic, cluttered, haphazard, topsy-turvy

🦋 Very charming = Enchanting, delightful, charismatic, winsome, captivating

🦋 Very worried = Anxious, perturbed, fretful, troubled, distressed

🦋 Very courageous = Brave, valiant, heroic, fearless, intrepid

🦋 Very mysterious = Enigmatic, cryptic, puzzling, inscrutable, secretive


┏━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━┓Thank you for reading this chapter! Have a good day :)┗━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━┛

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Thank you for reading this chapter! Have a good day :)

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