💉..••𝙴𝚇𝚃𝚁𝙰: 𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚎••..💉

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Hello there! Trigger warning for this chapter, as we will be discussing gore. I won't show pictures or go into a LOT of detail, but here's a warning if you don't want to read this :)


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💉Tips when writing gore:💉

💉 Serve the Narrative: Use gore to serve the narrative and enhance the story, not as gratuitous shock value. Ensure that each gory element contributes to character development, plot progression, or atmosphere.

💉 Maintain Emotional Impact: If your story contains gore, focus on the emotional impact it has on the characters and the readers. Explore how characters react to violence and the consequences of their actions.

💉 Balance Description: Describe gore with enough detail to create an immersive experience without overwhelming or alienating readers. Use descriptive language that suits the tone of your story.

💉 Trigger Warnings: Consider including trigger warnings if your story contains explicit or potentially distressing gore. This can help readers who may be sensitive to such content make informed choices.

💉 Character Motivations: If characters are involved in or witness gory scenes, delve into their motivations and emotional responses. Understanding why they are engaged in violent acts adds depth to your story.

💉 Context is Key: Ensure that the context of the gory scenes is clear. Why is the violence occurring, and what is its significance within the story? Providing context helps readers make sense of it.

💉 Foreshadowing: Foreshadowing can prepare readers for the inclusion of gore in your story. Hint at what's to come to build anticipation and tension.

💉 Feedback and Sensitivity: Seek feedback from beta readers or writing peers to gauge how effectively you've handled gore in your story. Pay attention to their responses and be sensitive to their feedback.

 Pay attention to their responses and be sensitive to their feedback

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💉What not to do when writing gore:💉

💉 Gratuitous Violence: Avoid including gore solely for shock value or gratuitous reasons. Violence should serve a purpose in your story, contributing to the plot, character development, or theme.

💉 Lack of Emotional Impact: Failing to delve into the emotional and psychological consequences of gore can make it feel hollow and disconnected from the story. Ensure that characters react realistically to violent events.

💉 Oversaturation: Too much gore can desensitize readers and diminish its impact. Balance the level of violence with other elements of your story to maintain a meaningful effect.

💉 Overly Graphic Detail: While descriptive language is essential for gore, excessive graphic detail can be off-putting. Find a balance between providing enough description for immersion and avoiding gratuitous detail.

💉 Insensitive Depictions: Avoid insensitive depictions of gore, especially when it comes to real-world violence or traumatic events. Be mindful of the potential harm that insensitive portrayals can cause to some readers.

💉 Unexplained Violence: Ensure that violence is motivated and explained within the context of your story. Random or inexplicable gore can confuse readers and disrupt the narrative flow.

💉 Disregarding Character Depth: Characters who engage in or witness gore should undergo meaningful development. Neglecting their emotional and psychological growth can weaken your story.

💉 Shocking for Shock's Sake: Shocking moments should be earned through narrative buildup and context. Avoid shocking your readers just for the sake of it.

💉 Ineffective Story Integration: Gore should feel integrated into the story, not tacked on. Ensure that it naturally fits within the narrative structure.

 Ensure that it naturally fits within the narrative structure

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Thank you for reading! Also, I think music is a BIG part of writing. If you're gonna write gore, I heavily recommend listening to the soundtrack to Little Nightmares 1&2, it's good for any kind of horror writing really. I hope this was helpful :)

~𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒍~Where stories live. Discover now