As the last notes of their music rang out, Audrey shook her head.

"I know Wolflo are excellent, but I don't see how they're going to regain the audience's attention. That version of their choreography was really crazy".

The girls nodded in agreement.

Wolflo led a great battle, using confetti to liven things up, and Babysleek and Chocol impressed everyone with their solo. When, at the end, they picked up some of Bebe's moves, Amaia had a small doubt as to whether they could indeed turn the tide in their favor. They had been more mocking than Bebe, and thus ticked more boxes for a battle. In the final moments, Haechi even reproduced Bada's famous "Smoke" move, before taking a few strides towards her and towering over her, a move she had used many times so far in the compeititon.

Amaia closed her eyes, aware that the provocation, especially coming from Haechi, was inevitably a hit. The Bebe girls saluted their opponents' wittiness, but Bada looked ready for a fight, and immediately went into her individual battle against Halo.

"Bada looks furious" remarked Latrice.

"Yes Haechi seems to have hit the nail on the head".

Amaia was careful not to mention that Bada already had a few other reasons to have a grudge against Haechi, and just nodded silently. Besides, she had to admit that this version of angry Bada, aka tough, mad, and overall hot, certainly didn't displease her. She was having some difficulty piecing the puzzle together though: tough, then caring and gentle, then playful and flirtatious, jealous at times even... sometimes embarrassed by their closeness, then capable of doing....whatever they had done the previous night. Yes, the girl would never cease to amaze her, and the intensity of their relationship, whatever name Amaia wished to give it, was undeniable. And judging by the intensity Bada was putting into the battle, including returning the gesture to Haechi, Amaia was sure she had something to do with it.

In the end, it came as little surprise that the judges and audience voted almost unanimously for Bebe. Amaia bit her lip to keep from letting her joy explode, but Audrey wasn't fooled.

"You've got a right to be happy for your girlfriend, you know".

"First of all, she's not my girlfriend".

"Hum hum if you say so. You still haven't arranged another date then?"

"No no, we haven't really found the time yet "

"Yes, I understand, that must be it". Amaia saw Audrey's gaze change, a slight twinkle in her eye. She knew. She KNEW. Amaia must have looked panicked because Audrey slightly chuckled, shaking her head. She was kind enough not to say it in front of the others, and Amaia was grateful, but she could feel the red creeping up her cheeks, betraying her once again.

"Come on, girls, let's get to the set, it shouldn't be long before we have the final scores." Ling interrupted Amaia in her thoughts, blissfully unaware of the ambarssment of the rookie.

The girls made their way back to the set at the end of the evening, after taking a bubble tea break. All the teams looked nervous, the scoring details being so complex that it was difficult to predict any ranking. However, the first team to reach the bottom of the standings was Wolflo, who would therefore see no final battle.

Amaia felt very sorry, because since the last elimination, she'd really had more time to bond with Wolflo. Everyone crowded around them to hug and congratulate them. Amaia didn't miss Yeni-Cho, who leapt into Bada's arm with her usual enthusiasm. Amaia met Bada's gaze behind Yeni's shoulder, clearly entertained and fully aware that Amaia was riled. 

Returning the same knowing smile, Amaia took Haechi in her arms deliberately in Bada's sightline, hugging her perhaps a few seconds longer than she normally would have done. Bada could only grit her teeth and keep her smile. Amaia shook her head inwardly, laughing at their ridiculousness.

When the Wolflo girls left, after agreeing to meet up outside the competition as soon as possible, all the girls sat back down on their respective benches.

Mannequeen and Lady Bounce were announced 5th and 4th, at the bottom of the leaderboard. Amaia jumped into the arms of her teammates, relieved to be saved and overexcited to be in the final. She glanced at Bebe's bench and met Bada's gaze, who was already watching her. They exchanged a half-second smile, delighted to be sharing this final together. Or so Amaia thought. A a surprise announcement unsettled everyone. The girls learned that the score leaders, i.e. Bebe, could choose which teams would go into the final battle. 

Kirsten, Latrice, Ling and all the girls turned livid. Amaia knew that anything could happen. They hadn't hesitated to name Bebe as the worst candidate at some moments in the competition, and strategy had always outweighed sentiment. She knew that, Bada knew that, everyone knew that. There was no reason why Bebe shouldn't play strategic, with such an advantage to play with. She could very well chose 1M and JR to go to the final battles and get rid of one of the top 3 teams. And yet... Amaia wanted to believe that Bada wouldn't choose them.

So, watching Bebe decide, Amaia felt on the verge of fainting, clutching Ling and Latrice's hands. All they could do was wait and cross their fingers. At last Bada straightened up, ready to announce her decision. Time was suspended and Amaia could barely look the team in the face.

"We decide, out of fairness, to keep the rankings as they are, so Mannequeen and Lady Bounce will still go to the final battle."

Amaia could have cried. In fact, she had tears in her eyes. The girls hugged each other, finally allowing themselves to breathe and let go of some of the pressure they'd been feeling.

"Come on, girls. We deserve this spot, the hard part's over. Let's enjoy these battles, and then we'll have a whole week to work on the final", said Kirsten, trying to calm everyone down.

The girls made their way back to the set at the end of the evening, after taking a bubble tea break. All the teams looked nervous, the scoring details being so complex that it was difficult to predict any ranking. However, the first team to reach the bottom of the standings was Wolflo, who would therefore see no final battle.

The groups dispersed around the set, having received their final instructions, and preparing to watch the final battle. Amaia couldn't help trying to keep up with Bebe, hoping to bump into Bada. She made her way along the corridor, and Bada looked over her shoulder, smiling as she met her gaze. She detached herself from her group to head for the toilets, and Amaia followed, keeping a safe distance so as not to be suspicious.

Once isolated, Amaia threw herself into the taller girl's arms.

"Thank you thank you thank you a thousand times"

"Don't thank me. You deserved your position in the ranking. We could also have turned the public against us by choosing you for the battle". Bada said while returning the embrace

Amaia cooled down, her enthusiasm waning slightly.

"Yes, of course, I know you made a purely strategic choice".

"Which isn't to say that I wouldn't have been heartbroken if we hadn't reached the final together" Bada finished, a smile on her face.

Amaia immediately regained her smile.

"That would have been awful".

"Yep, especially as I need these extra 4 weeks to be with you".

"Me too". Amaia snuggled back into Bada's arms, finding comfort in their closeness. Bada planted a kiss on her forehead, before kissing her openly.

Amaia felt it was almost against the rules on the set, when anyone could walk in and see them. But Bada seemed unfazed, and Amaia allowed herself to lose herself in the stolen moment of affection.


Okkkk little filling chapter before the FINALEEEEE, and then, just a heads up, but i will take in requests / ideas for dates, fluff, smut, whatever actually as I won't have to stick so much to the show! You can already leave ideas if you want haha

Thank you again for all the support you've shown the story, I read all the comments and appreciate you all <3333

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