"Man, this is hard!" The blue eyed boy mutters as he grips his kunai, glaring at the fish.

I say, "We'll catch some. Just be patient."

Ren grumbles as he looks back at the river, "We've barely caught three fish and that's hardly enough to feed all of us."

"Leave that to me," I tell him before I put my kunai away. "Get your kunai knives ready." Ren does that. "Water Style: Moon's Pull Jutsu." I do hand signs and raise my arms. A huge bubble rises up with a swarm of fish in it, enough to feed two or three Genin teams.

I nod to Ren and release the bubble, but he throws his kunai while I use my Snow Control Jutsu to freeze the water in the shape of kunai to pierce the fish to the trees opposite the river.

They wriggle in place as Ren whoops and fist pumps the air. "That was awesome, Sakuya!" He says.

"We both did it," I remind him. "Let's gather them up and cook them in the fire."

Ren and I gather the fish and head back to camp where a warm fire is flickering. We skewer the fish and stick them around the fire before we sit around it.

"So there's about four days left now," Kyo murmurs as he rests his right arm on his knee and gazes into the fire.

"Plenty of time to get to the tower, if we don't run into any trouble," Inputs Ren.

I was lost in thought as I stroke Honura who is lying next to me.

My teammates glance at me when I don't say anything and Ren asks, "Something the matter, Sakuya?"

"Huh?" I blink up at them. "Oh, it's nothing. I was just wondering how Team 7 are doing, that's all."

Ren says flippantly, "It's only day 1. They might not have their scroll yet. But I wouldn't worry about them too much."

"Still, I hope they make it to the tower," I mutter, stroking Homura absentmindedly.

Soon, the fish were done and we each grab one. I give one to Homura and blow on mine before biting into it. We end up eating all the fish and stay up late for a few more hours.

When it's close to midnight, we all lie down and start to go to sleep.

"We should all get some sleep now," Murmurs Kyo, lying a little further away from us. We nod and get comfortable in our own spots around the fire.

Homura curls up next to me and I fall asleep with my arms around her.

The next morning, Kyo is kicking dirt over the fire to put it out before we set off.

We leap through the trees with me riding on Homura. She suddenly pauses and her ears flicker around.

"Homura? What is it?" I ask as Kyo and Ren stop around us.

"Something the matter?" Asks Kyo.

"I'm not sure, but she seems to pick up on something," I respond. Homura peers back at me and whimpers. I nod my head in understanding. "Okay. Lead the way, girl."

Homura takes off in a different direction, and my teammates follow us.


Ren, Kyo, Homura and I land on tree branch above Team 7's hiding place, which is a hollowed tree, facing them. I dismount the Sabertooth cat.

It looks like utter chaos down there. Naruto and Sasuke are still unconscious, a guy with a bowl cut has arrived and looks worse for wear, like he can barely even stand, and Sakura appears to be fighting three Sound ninja.

"What a mess," Mutters Ren.

"Do you think those Sound ninja did that to them?" Asks Kyo.

I murmur worriedly, "I don't think so."

"So are we gonna help them? That bushy eyebrow guy looks like he can barely stand," Says Ren, nodding to the guy in a green spandex.

"Not yet," I answer.

We wait in the tree with our chakra signatures concealed as we wait for the right moment for us to intervene.

I wonder what Sakura will do now that her backup is pretty much out of commission.

The hunchback then runs straight for my friend, making me gasp worriedly. Sakura pulls out a kunai knife. However, Lee appears before her, but he's struggling to even stand upright.


"What?!" Hunchback gasps.

"Lee?!" Sakura exclaims in surprise.

"Leaf Hurricane!" Lee goes to swing his leg but winces as pain shoots through his body.

Putting his hand on Lee's leg, the hunchback mocks, "Not quite as effective as before, is it?" He lands on the ground before launching for the ravenette again. "Still! It's impressive that you can move at all! We'll have to do something about that!" The Sound ninja swings his arm forward and Lee raises both of his to block, but a massive sound wave is emitted. "Do you hear that? This device amplifies the vibrations of the impact, transforming them into a wave of sound!"

Sakura says worriedly, "Lee, no...!"

"A sound wave I can channel with my chakra. Focusing all its energy on any target I desire!"

Seeing her friend freeze in place like that, Sakura cries, "Stop it!!"

The Sound ninja drops his arm and Lee collapses. He says, "Alright, little man. Time to end it!"

Sakura suddenly exclaims as she flings three kunai knives at him, "That's what you think!"

The older man raises his right arm and the kunai bounce right off of it. He murmurs, gazing back at my pink haired teammate, "Ah. I'd almost forgotten you."

I gaze at Sakura as I realise she's willing to fight him to protect the boys, who are still unconscious in the hollow of the tree. I think in surprise, "Sakura-chan..."

Book 1: Sakura Heart (Kiba Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now