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"Tom!" I yelled as Tommy grabbed my hand, running across to the duck pond. "Come on! I wanna show you something?" Tommy yelled, laughing as he dragged me along.

I was happier than ever. It was 4 years since we had gotten together. To the date. I am 19 now and happier than ever with Tommy. We're both doing incredibly well with streaming and everything is going perfectly.

We sat on a bench, laughing together. Since the day Tommy had asked me out in this exact spot 4 years ago, this had become our place. The spot we could go together without anyone bothering us. It was perfect.

Tommy stood up, dragging me to my feet as we walked over to the bridge, stopping in the middle.

"Y/N Y/LN" Tommy said, getting down on one knee. "Tom... What are you doing Tom..." I could feel my heart racing a million miles a minute as i looked at him. "I know we're probably too young to get married or whatever, so its a promise ring. I swear to you, Y/N. I'm going to marry you one day. And nothing is going to stop me" Tommy blushed slightly as he spoke.

"Get up, Tom" I smiled at him, Pulling him into a huge hug and kissing him as he gave me the ring, smiling softly. It was beautiful. Diamond. I took a quick picture.

"I love you so much, Tom." I smiled at him, hugging him tightly. "I love you too Y/N" He laughed slightly, his face still bright red. "You're cute when you get all flustered" I smiled, kissing him softly again. "shut up" He muttered, blushing even more.

We walked back to Tom's house. Hand in hand.

Life was good.


Life was perfect.


Its been 2 years since the last chapter of this book was published and i can't believe people are still reading this.

It was just something i started as a dumb 13 year old. So much has happened since i started writing this book. It's been fun.

I still love coming on here and seeing new comments and fresh perspectives on the story. It's nice to know people still enjoy it.

I don't watch dsmp anymore or really anything anyone does other than ranboo. I do write other things though. Mostly short stories.

As of 1/11/2023, This book has 17.7k reads and thats just amazing to me. Thats like my entire school 26 times over. Its incredible.

I love you guys <333

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