Chapter 9

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Tomorrow was the big lore so we would all be streaming then we had to make our way down to Tommy's house the day after. I decided to spend today making sure that mine and George's bags were completely packed so that we didn't forget anything.

I decided to call Phil while i did this because i knew that if i had forgotten anything, he would remind me and make sure i didn't get distracted. The fans liked to joke about how he was a father figure to everyone but he really was a father figure to me, even after only a few weeks of knowing him

"Hey Y/n!" He said relatively quiet as it was still quite early. "Hey! I just wanted some company while i made sure that i had all of mine and George's shit packed for Tom's house" I told him, Trying to force more clothes into a suitcase. "Tell me what you have already and i'll say if your missing anything." I started to take things out messily and put them back in neater, listing what i had to Phil while doing this.

After a few hours, Everything was packed. We had set out travel size toiletries to use for the next 2 days and everything else that we needed. It was only 1pm and I knew that Dream and Sapnap were streaming MCC practice so me and Phil had the idea to prank them. We got George and Tubbo involved because we were all on the same team.

When we joined the server, it was only the six of us. Me, Phil, George and Tubbo all started to spam in the in game chat "RED RABBIT ARE GONNA WIN" before leaving.

Me and Tubbo decided to join back after Phil and George left before we were told to join Dreams vc. The four of us played for another 2 or so hours before i disconnected.

I went to ask George what was wrong and apparently the wifi cut out. I D'md Dream to tell him that i couldn't join back and to tell Chat i said bye before deciding to just go on tiktok using data. The wifi came back on after about an hour so i decided to watch some DVDs.

It was about 7:30 before George came upstairs to my room, Carrying a box of chips and a pie that he had obviously just ordered. We decided to eat and watch Toy story 4 In my room. I let George pick the movie and as soon as he chose, i knew it was a mistake.

George got a text message around 10:45 that made him bounce up and run to his office. That had happened before so i wasn't really that surprised. I just called Karl and Quackity and we played bedwars for a few hours.

By 2am, I decided to hop off because i knew i needed sleep. The lore was being held at 4pm EST so i had to be ready for at least 8:30pm. I fell asleep pretty fast because i was pretty worn out from all the packing i did this morning.

I was woken to George knocking on my door, bringing me starbucks. I was pretty surprised because he never did stuff like this usually. "Oh thanks." I said, sitting up and taking the drink from his hand.

I spent the day memorising the script that Clay had sent me off the rough idea of how we are going to do the lore thing. The main idea was: i had stolen Tubbos nuke and decided to help Wilbur and Ranboo blow up Las Nevadas because Quackity had Killed my siblings. It was a lot more simple than it sounded.

Before i knew it. It was 8pm. Me and George ate a quick pizza before going back up to our rooms and logging onto the SMP. Everyone was online and in vc so we just spoke for half an hour before Everyone muted to start their streams. We had agreed on taking down the starting soon screens exactly 10 minutes after we told everyone the stream was at.

I'm just writing a lot now tbh- my hands hurt and i'm probably not gonna have another chapter out tonight

I didn't proofread this one and i cba rn

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