Chapter 6

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When i woke up, I decided that i would dedicate the next few days to getting to know the rest of the SMP members, since i only really knew much about Tommy. I started up discord on my pc and checked any of the vcs to see is anyone was there.

I saw vc 2 was open with fundy, Wilbur, Quackity, Phil, Bad, karl and skeppy. I joined because i knew that all of the people in this call were coming to the trip. "Hi!" I said as i joined. "NEW PERSON! WOULD YOU LIKE SOME LAS DRUGAS?" I heard someone shout. "Quackity, How many times do you need to be told not to try selling drugs to minors?" Phil said exasperated.

"This isn't the first time he's done it?" I questioned surprised as karl laughed. "Nope. He did it to Dream's sister, Skeppy's sister and Tubbo's sister before you." Wilbur told me. "Wow you really like selling drugs to people's siblings." I laughed. "Wait who's sister are you?" Skeppy asked. "Oh i'm George's sister." I told everyone.

We all started talking until the point where everyone who was going on the trip was in this vc. We started to talk about dates that were good for everyone until we decided that we could all be together in two weeks and stay about a month. The next few hours were filled with laughter and excitement as we all got to know each other a little more.


Time when by way too fast and before i knew it, We only had a few days until everyone met up. I had gotten to know pretty much everyone on the smp since the time that we had all spoken in vc a few weeks ago. I woke up on the morning of August first, knowing that we were leaving on the sixth.

I got out of bed and began packing immediately. I got most of my things into a huge suitcase when i went to check on George to see what he was doing. I saw him sat at his pc, trying to keep his eyes open.

"George, how many times do i need to tell you, you need to sleep!" I tried to emphasise this fact whenever i could because i knew he never listened. "Come on." I said, pulling him up and dragging him to his room. "I'll pack the things we're gonna need when we go to Toms, You just go to sleep k?" I told him firmly. "Mhm" I heard back before he was asleep again.

I knew that when George was asleep, he was asleep. I knew that he wouldn't wake up for hours. I grabbed the suitcase out of his closet, I peaked my head in and saw a neon green hoodie, with a smile on it. I quickly realised that this hoodie would have been huge on George. 'Clay must have sent it to him.' i thought as i smiled.

After about an hour i had Packed almost all of George's things, leaving only the essentials he needed to live for a few more days. I went back into my room and realised that Tommy had texted me. I smiled at the notification as i responded. He must have seen that i was online because he called me as soon as i opened the message.

"Hi!" I smiled at him as i lay back down on my bed. "Hey. What've you been doing? look tired." He asked concerned. "George was up all night on the phone again so i had to put him to bed then pack his things for when we come to yours." I sighed. "It feels like your taking care of Gogy most of the time." Tommy laughed.

"How is he by the way?" I loved the way that tommy truly cared about his friends off stream. "He's actually doing really well!" I told him. "He's leaving the house more and not living on just take out anymore." I smiled as Tommy cheered. I laughed and we continued talking until i heard George get up.

"Hold on, I'll be back in a sec." I told tommy, leaving my phone on my bed. "Hi" I said as i walked into the kitchen where George was sat, still waking up. "I'm gonna go to starbucks if you want anything?" I asked him, knowing that he needed coffee to function at all. "Just get me an iced coffee." He yawned as i went to get my phone and get changed because i was still in my pyjamas.

I told tommy that i would call him back when i got home and i quickly changed. I walked out the house with some money and made my way down the street. The Starbucks was only a few streets away so i was able to get there and order our drinks quite fast.

By the time i got home, i had to wake George up again because he had fallen asleep, still on the sofa. "Here Dumbass" I said, giving him his coffee. He sat up and grabbed the tv remote before i could even look at it. George but on a random Netflix show that he had apparently been watching and started watching it.

It was already 4pm so i decided to stream until i got food. About half way through, Niki and Wilbur joined the stream. We were just playing hypixel games for a while because everything on the dream smp was perfectly set up for lore that we were going to do. 

George came into my room after about 2 hours as i quickly muted myself on the stream. "What food do you want? i'm going to the shop." He said, leaning on my doorframe. "Umm just get me two burgers, and knock next time. I'm streaming." I told him as i kept playing the game. "Alright. I'll be back in a bit." He said as he closed the door again and i unmuted myself.

"Sorry about that chat" I said as we went back to the stream. George came back about 30 minutes later and when i heard the from door slam shut, i started ending my stream. I left my room to go to the kitchen where George had left my burgers on the counter as he was cooking his food.

"Oh i packed most of the things we're gonna need for the trip." I said, putting my burgers in the microwave. (so i get the burgers that are already cooked so you just have to put them in the microwave for a few mins to warm them up) I took the food up to my room and decided to watch some random movies while i ate.

Dream called me suddenly, which he never did. I was genuinely confused when i answered because he never wanted to talk to me. It was always George he wanted. "Um Hi?" "Y/N I NEED YOUR HELP!"
( 1201 words)

Cliffhanger- Sorry about the lack of updates for any of my books. Writers block been hitting real hard recently as long as other issues.

Might not update very soon but i'll try my hardest.

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