Chapter 4

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I was woken to loud shouting from George's office at 4am. "George what the fuck?" I whisper shouted at him. "Y/n! I'm streaming!" He said as i walked into his room. "Why the actual fuck are you streaming at 4 in the fucking morning!" I shouted. "Language, and sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." He said, trying to stifle his laugher. "Ugh whatever. I'm going back to bed and i swear to god if you wake me up again your dead." I shouted, leaving the room. I could hear him and Clay laughing while George shouted something about me joking and tos.

I went back to bed but i couldn't sleep. I decided to text Tommy, not expecting him to be awake, he messaged back almost immediately.

me: Hey! You awake?

Tom Tom ❤️: Yeah. I couldn't sleep. Why are you awake?

Me: Stupid George woke me up shouting on his stream.

Tom Tom ❤️: Aww sorry 🙃

my phone randomly lit up soon after that and i looked at it.


I answer it and he switched it to face time, which i accepted. "Whatcha doing?" He asked. He was propped up on his elbow, laying on his side. "Nothing really. Just watching Netflix." I said, setting my phone up on some spare pillows.

Me and Tommy spoke until i had to get ready for school. This was my last day because my school had decided to only make us go for half of the week. They mostly let us do whatever we wanted so I just hung out with some random friends that i had.

George called me half way through the day saying that i needed to come home and he was going to drive down to the school to get me. I got worried. What is something happened? Why was he getting me out of school?

I started walking down to the main office to wait for him as the assistant told me that he had called ahead. I began to pace back and forth wondering what had happened. After what felt like forever but was only a few minutes, George walked through the doors and beaconed me towards him.

I ran to his car, frantically questioning him about why he had to get me. George was silent the entire drive. I quickly realised that this wasn't the way back to the house. "Um George?" I asked curiously. "Where are we going." I was confused as to why he had to get me out of school only half way through the day.

"I figured we could both use a break from everything. So that's what we're gonna do." He finished as he parked outside a trampoline park. "Oh god. George the way you jump, when we get in there, i don't know you." i said with my face in my hands. "Shut the fuck up." He said getting out of the car and dragging me with him.

We got inside and decided to but some drinks. George being the idiot that he is, brought us slushes. "Obviously you got the blue one." I said, rolling my eyes as i took the red one out of his hands. "Yeah cuz it's the only one i can see dumbass." He complained before we sat down.

We found some small benches and i opened twitter to check the replies on my post because i still hadn't been on twitter since i posted it. I saw some really sweet replies from fans and some from karl, tubbo and others. Tommy also replied to it too.

Y/n you shouldn't even have to speak about this. It is sick that people make remarks like they have to a 15 year old. She is fucking 15 Give her a break.

I smiled at the response and decided to message Tommy. We texted for a bit until George eventually forced me to go onto the trampolines. Despite being the oldest, George acted like a 10 year old with some things.

We went to McDonald's for dinner then we just went home. I decided to do a celebratory stream because i finished school. I started the stream and joined vc 2 to wait for someone to join. I saw the chat fill with questions about me and tommy and if we were dating. "For fucks sake. What did Tom tell you lot now?" I asked my chat. They replied with different things but the most common one was 'He he liked you'

"Chat i don't really believe you. Should we call Tommy to see if it's true?" I asked already searching for his contact. I saw the chat saying yes so i called him and put him on speaker. "I'm streaming!" I shouted before he spoke. "Anyways. Why is my chat telling me that you said you liked me?" I asked, not letting him say anything. "First of all, Chat you are useless at keeping secrets." He started, laughing "Second, I wanted to test how reliable chat would be and if they would snitch or not. By the way, chat, you failed." He explained. "Ohh alright" I laughed "You busy? cuz if not, join discord and hang out with me." I said ending the call.

"Chat i'm never telling you anything." I laughed as i waited for tommy to join. I heard the sound of someone joining. "HELLO BIG MAN TOMMY!" I shouted into my mic, probably deafening headphone users. "Hi!" He shouted back. "Shouldn't you be at school anyways?" He asked. "About that.. George pulled me out half way through and we went out" I giggled. "Y/n. Get Gogy." He commanded.

I told him and chat to wait while i muted myself and left to get George. "Oi, Dummy" I said as i stood in the doorway of his office again "What?" He asked "I'm streaming and Toms on vc. He said he wants to talk to you." I informed him.

George walked into my room and started talking to Tommy about something. Based on Georges reactions, Tommy was shouting at him for pulling me out of school early. I pulled the headphones off his head and put them back on. I told George that he could go now and i went back to Minecraft.

I ended stream and George shouted me downstairs. I put my phone down and went went into the living room. George was sat on the sofa, biting his nails. He only ever does this when something bad happened or he's incredibly nervous. I grabbed his hand as i sat down and held it as to stop him biting is nails. "What's wrong?" I asked. I was genuinely concerned because i had never really seen him like this before. "Um. I need to talk to you." He said nervously. "Ok?" I said confused "What's up." George took a deep breath before speaking again. He had tears in his eyes and i started to get really worried about himself "Um. Basically. Y/n. Um. I think i'm. Um. Bisexual." He stuttered out.

"Is that all it was?" I laughed. George looked confused for a minute before laughing too. "Georgie i know. You and Clay make to many Dnf jokes and too many bits where your dating, I know you can't act for shit." I laughed, hugging him. "So. So you don't hate me?" He asked still laughing a little. "Hey, Why would i hate you? I honestly couldn't care less." I said genuinely, still hugging him. "Who else have you told?" I asked. "Nobody." he replied simply. "Not even Clay and Nick?" I was surprised, He usually told them things before me. "They would accept you. I know they would." i told him.

I went back to my room and decided to scroll through tiktok for a while. My account was private and my profile picture was a black screen so that nobody could find it. I wanted tiktok to be the one place where i could be myself without worrying about getting cancelled.

I eventually put my phone down and fell asleep after turning my alarm off, making sure it wouldn't wake me in the morning. George came running into my room at like 1am shouting like an exited child. "Dude! What the fuck?" I shouted as he woke me up.

"I told them! I told Clay and Nick!" He yelled exitedly. I could infer what he was talking about pretty quickly and i jumped up and hugged him. "Alright i don't care what your doing tomorrow, i have some money from donos and ads and stuff, we're going out tomorrow to celebrate." I told him as he ran back into his office.

I laughed to myself realising how much of a child he was as i crawled back into bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
3 chapters in one day! You guys are lucky

Young Love // Tommyinnit x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin