Chapter 20

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TW: Sexual references (same as last chapter)

"JACK MY MAN" Tommy shouted when Jack answered the door. "What the fuck. Why is everyone here?" He shouted questioningly as me and Tommy got out of the car. "Basically, your coming with us and we're gonna milk you for views." I sighed.

"Why did nobody tell me that half the smp was coming to my house!?" He yelled accusingly. "I TRIED! Tommy said you would suck it up and come anyways." I laughed a little as tommy interrogated Jack and eventually convinced him to let us stream from his pc for a bit.

"WHAT IS UP CHAT!" Tommy shouted as he started. "TOM SHUT UP! YOU CANT SHOUT!" I yelled back, laughing. "We stole woppa guys set up." Tommy managed to say that with a straight face and i will never understand how. We only streamed for like 10-15 minutes before we had to leave because Jack was ready.

He went in the other car and me and Tommy went back to ours. About 10 minutes through the drive from jacks house to the cinema, I remembered something. "Hey Tom?" I asked, looking up at him. "Mhm?" He hummed, looking away from his phone.

"Remember like a month ago when my chat was full of people saying you liked me and you said it was a joke?" I asked. I noticed him think a little before laughing. "Oh yeah! Then i told them it was a test" He laughed even more.

"Was it a joke at the time?" I asked seriously. "Honestly Y/n, I knew there was something about you that i liked since the start. I just couldn't place my finger on what it was until a few days before we met. I was genuinely terrified of what would happen when we met up because i suddenly had no idea how to act." Tommy sighed, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Ok number one, That was adorable." Dream said, snapping the two of us back to reality. "But number two, Get a room" He sniggered "Maybe you should get a room instead of a tree." I snarked back at him as him and George stared at me with a shocked face. Tommy and ranboo looked very confused but i just laughed it off.

"You told them everything!?" "No- Well yes but- It slipped out!" Y/n sniggered, whispering to Tommy. "That's what he said under the tree" Tommy couldn't hold his laugher as both George and Dream glared at us. "What else did you tell her??" Dream looked back at George. The two bickered back and forth quietly before I chimed in again. "He said you were, and i quote, 'It was fucking incredible, he was amazing." I whispered over too them as Dream hit George on the arm.

Tommy started blankly with a half surprised, half disgusted look on his face. "Yeah." I said solemnly to him as he nodded slowly.

We finally arrived at the cinema and Dream and George hurried out of the car as fast as the could. Ranboo didn't seem to understand or hear anything we were talking about so he just went over to Niki and Wilbur.  Tommy put his arm around my shoulder again and pulled me closer to him.

I swear i felt actual butterflies. But i was so used to people leaving me that my first thought was 'oh shit. This is going to hurt the most.' Whenever i felt this before with others, i would force them away, make them hate me so i didn't get too attached. I knew i was never going to be able to do that with Tommy.

His personality was intoxicating, like a drug. His arms were so comforting i would let him hold me for hours without speaking and feel the most happiness in the world. I couldn't push him away, I couldn't do it as much as i wanted to.

"Hellooo? Earth to Y/n??" Tommy said, waving his hand in front of my face. "hm, what? Sorry i zoned out.' I said, coming back to reality. George was filming and talking with Jack and Dream while me and tommy hung back, walking slower than the others.

We were sat right at the back in the actual room and Tommy insisted on having his arm around my shoulders at all times. "You know i love your right? And i'm not going anywhere. Your stuck with me now" He smiled at me as i nodded and put my head on his chest. "I love you too."

He kissed my forehead lightly and went back to the movie, which was just starting. It was almost as if he could read minds and knew exactly what to say at what time. We had let Jack pick the movie we were going to see and of course, he chose a horror movie.

"Truth or Dare? Sounds shit." Quackity said, shrugging and walking into the room. We all sat down as George started recording again since not many people were there. "We're watching something called 'Truth Or Dare' that Jack chose. I'll update after the film but it's meant to be a horror." George said, sighing.

He shut his phone off as the theatre started filling up. Surprisingly, there was only around 5 other people not including us. Tom lifted the armrest and put his arm around my shoulders. "I've seen this movie before, it's not too bad" He said as he pulled me closer to him. "Get a room!" Quackity yelled as we laughed. The movie started playing and everyone started to quiet down.


"HOLY FUCK THAT WAS SCARY!" Dream practically yelled as we walked out the cinema.  Turns out, Dream is very scared of horror movies. He was clinging onto George the entire time while me and Tommy were laughing at them whenever the two of them screamed.

Everyone else in the cinema hated us but we just ignored them. We were too busy dodging popcorn that Quackity was throwing at us. "ALEX! FUCKING STOP" Wilbur shouted as we got outside and he was still throwing food at us. We had to put Quackity in a car with us because he was pissing Wil off too much.

"Dream your a fucking pussy" Quackity said as he clambered into the car "I'm not! I'm braver than you!" The two started bickering and it was eventually decided that we would all play truth or dare to prove 'who the bigger pussy is'

After a seemingly excruciatingly long drive to take jack home and then make it back to the hotel, Me, Tommy, George and Ranboo were completely done with Dream and Quackity's arguing. "Quackity, Can you stay around anyone for 5 minutes without arguing with them?" George asked sarcastically.

We all got out of the car as fast as we could and ran to our rooms. I needed quiet. Tommy came in after a bit and asked if we could sit together and watch Netflix so i just put 13 reasons why one and we sat and watched that.

I went to turn it off after 3-4 episodes but Tom started yelling at me. "HEY! I wanna know what that Clay guy did!" He shouted as i sighed and put it back on. He smirked maliciously at how he has 'won me over so easily' in his words. I rolled my eyes and went on Tiktok for a while until i had noticed Tommy's head leaning on my shoulder.

He had fallen asleep at 5 in the afternoon. I decided that i would just let him sleep since we had stayed up pretty late recently.

(i'm just trying to end this quickly so it's gonna be shit.)

Karl texted me and asked what me and Tommy wanted for dinner. I just told him to get a large cheese pizza and we would share it. I didn't eat much anyways. The food eventually arrived at around 6:30 so i gently shook tommy awake and he groggily got up and went downstairs to eat.

We just went to our own beds that night and decided that we would save any exiting plans that we had for another night.


So so sorry for the lack of updates. Ive had No motivation and ive been really busy. Idk when i'm next going to be able to post so i'm sorry :(

- Toby :)

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