On nights she couldn't sleep, Xylias would venture out to the massive courtyard outside of the Capsule Corp building and sit down on the ground to watch the night sky, sometimes she would fall back asleep on the ground, then later the following morning get nudged awake by a cautious Bulma (who had learned quickly to gently wake up Xylias) or a random Namekian (as they were still staying at Capsule Corp), for some reason she feels safer under the moon and stars than in the massive metal building that she currently resides in. It doesn't feel like home to her, and she finds herself craving to figure out what "home" now means for her.

Xylias thought often about how much she must be a burden to Bulma, although the blunette would always brush those concerns off, saying she enjoyed having another woman around. The two had become closer, considering each other friends now. They spoke often, Xylias would hang out in Bulma's lab with her and help her with menial tasks. The Saiyan would also use this time to ask her questions about Earth and this unique group she found herself in. Bulma was happy to share whatever information Xylias inquired about, telling her all sorts of stories about growing up with her friends.

Xylias quickly understood that this group had been formed because of Bulma and Kakarot's friendship, and helping those in trouble while growing up together brought more and more to their circle. Even though Kakarot never got to know his own people, Xylias was glad he had formed these close bonds and did such good for the people of Earth, the thought that he wasn't completely alone eased her mind about him being raised here. She knew what it was like to be all by yourself with nobody on your side except one's own breath, and Xylias wouldn't wish that hollowness on anyone. Kakarot has lived a good life, one that she strives for, one that would make her mother proud.

Bulma had been extremely generous to Xylias, giving her a bed to sleep in, bringing in a tailor to design and fit Xylias for new clothing according to her tastes, which were limited— and that led Bulma to take lead and 'help' Xylias with more 'stylish' designs, which amused the Saiyan Woman— she was just grateful to have things to wear, although the choices given to her seemed endless and she found herself struggling to choose what to wear every day, it made her question many times the point of having so many different types of outfits and clothes to wear.

The Saiyan woman constantly wondered how she could pay back the Earthling for her kindness and hospitality but Bulma refused any attempts of repayment when she asked. That's how Xylias came to find out that the Brief's family was one of the most wealthiest on Earth, as close to nobility as one could get on this planet.

Normally, Xylias spent most of her days training by herself. Honing her newfound Ki-manipulation skills and expanding on them. She was now proficient in controlling and bending chunks of Earth to her will when she wanted and fitting the new techniques into her fighting strategies.

Sometimes she was accompanied by an expectant Vegeta, who still sought the secret of Super Saiyan from her, but he preferred training in the anti-gravity chamber Bulma had designed, which tended to bore Xylias with it's monotony but at the same time she also didn't like being cooped up, the small space of the metal chamber would resurface feelings of her time in Frieza's ship—so she avoided it.

The immense gravity levels didn't seem to phase Xylias on the rare occasions she would step in to visit with Vegeta. Which irritated the Prince's pride to no end as he struggled to reach the level Kakarot surpassed during his short trip to Namek. Yet it also intrigued him, wondering just how strong Xylias is, but she never flaunted or talked about her power, much to his annoyance, and his ego would never let him ask her to explain her foreign techniques as he felt he was above receiving guidance from another.

Ever since that night on the balcony, Vegeta had been trying to maintain some sort of distance between them. He couldn't bring himself to ignore her completely, much to his vexation, but the vulnerability she shared with him that night made him extremely uncomfortable.

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