They went out to see the various games: Lazer tag guns, pool noodles, frisbees, and jump rope.

At first, everything was great! but one after another, people told the girl some bad news.

"Um, hey, the guns aren't working", one says.

"Hey, the rope kind of tore out", another says too.

Finally, another spoke out, "The frisbees broke, and the pool noodles too."

The girl's worries are now higher than ever; she messed up big time.

With little consideration, she told everyone to go to the gift table. Again, they ask why, but the girl urges them.

Some ask, "Why do we need to go to the table now?"

The girl stumbles on her words, "J-just because! I wish to see the gifts!"

"Um, okay?", they all say again confused

The winds and clouds now grew impatient with the girl. She pays some mind but quickly sends the thoughts off.

she already has enough on her plate.

She quickly gets on and puts on hats for everyone to celebrate.

before she could, a piece of the anchor meant to hold down the tent was waving around as if begging for attention. The girl was horrified.

She tried to shove it back in, but another came out she shoved it back in again, only for another to come out they sprout out as if to make fun of her for her incompetence.

While everyone was watching the winds played a dirty trick, without care or thought, the winds launched the whole tent out of its place.

The gifts flew high into the air as if becoming birds, the food splattered everywhere as insects hitting a moving car.

The girl was more than just horrified; she was mortified.

She quickly regained her senses, she looked for the most important thing.

"The pinata! Where is it?", the girl yells out.

It was soon answered by the darkening clouds. It was high in the air. The clouds had doused it in rain like it were a fire and flung it like a baseball to the nearest tree.

She had filled it with her favorite candies, hoping to share them with her friends. She was so proud of her creation that she placed it on the chair, where everyone could admire it.

She ran toward it with all of her strength she had, but it was all in vain It smashed into the tree. It was broken by the winds and clouds, not by her friends.

destroyed with one swing, it sends candy flying all over the place like a confetti blast for a celebration.

What was the celebration, you may ask? It was a celebration of the girl's failures.

The weather had waited long enough for the girl.

Time had slowed For the girl, around her, everything fell apart—or should I say blew apart? The winds had blown everything away: the tent, the games, the bounce house, and the pinata.

"The pinata...", the girl said. She was dismayed and shattered by this. All of her hard work—planning, buying, and setting up—was for nothing.

Her birthday was ruined.


After the weather had its fun, the sky started to rain as if weeping for her, or was it trying to cover the girl's tears? It didn't matter to her, everyone saw what happened.

"I'm sorry... that I...", The girl tried to speak through the tears, but they were too much for her to handle, and she started to cry rivers out of her eyes.

But someone had embraced her, It was her dad.

The girl thought, why? Why pity for my failure?

Her dad talked to her in a sweet, mellow tone, as if his voice were honey, "Shh. Don't cry, sweetie. You did your best at making the best party."


"No buts; you tried your best. People didn't come here for the party; they came for you; they wanted to see you smile from your friends, both small and old."

"B-but the p-party and..."

Before she could continue, everyone around her came together and embraced her. They told her that they wanted to see her, not the party.

They told her that they were fined at the arcade; it was perfect; they didn't need more than that.

The girl smiled and nodded, they all went back to the arcade to continue her party.

For me though, I think she worried a bit too much.

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