Chapter 5: The " Fun " in the Chase

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( A/n: This takes place a few days before Bad Moon Rising. )

It was morning, and Tadpole was the only one that had woken up. Thyra was laying on a bed of pillows and blankets, that the riders had made for her, as Gothi was checking on the unconscious girl and her dragons. Gobber was talking to the riders as they had told him about how they found Thyra and her dragons.

Gobber: I just can't believe that a girl like Thyra turned into a rogue dragon rider with a night fury, a skrill, a sand wraith, and a- Ah!

Gobber looks at the Hobgobbler standing in front of him and the riders.

Gobber: You brought a Hobgobbler? They're a bad omen. You're cursed.

Hiccup: That's nonsense, Gobber. Look at him, he's harmless.

Tadpole licked his eye in response.

Tuffnut: Clearly, you didn't see the little guy eating the deck of a ship, Hiccup.

Hiccup rolled his eyes at Tuffnut before he walked over to Gothi, as he was worried about Thyra and her three other dragons.

Hiccup: How are they doing, Gothi?

Gothi wrote her response on the ground with her staff and Gobber looked at what she wrote.

Gobber: She says that Thyra and her dragons will be fine, and should wake up soon.

Astrid: ( looks at the skrill ) Uh, guys, doesn't the skrill look familiar to any of you?

Everyone looked at the skrill, and Snotlout's eyes widened as he and the others recognized the skrill.

Snotlout: I thought Hiccup and the twins refroze him?!

Hiccup: We did. How did he- We'll ask Thyra when she wakes up.

Tuffnut: Well, why don't you ask her now.

Astrid: What do you mean?

Tuffnut: Thyra woke up and is staring at us.

Everyone turned and saw that Thyra was indeed awake and staring at them, she was giving them a distrustful glare.

Hiccup: ( tries to get closer to Thyra, as he reaches his hand to her ) How are you-

Thyra slapped Hiccup's hand away, shocking Hiccup as he has never seen her act this way towards him.

Thyra: Don't touch me, Haddock. ( sees her unconscious dragons, making her eyes widened ) ( she then turned to the riders and glared at them ) ( angrily: ) What did you do to my dragons?

Astrid: We didn't do anything to them. We found you all washed up unconscious on our shores.

Gobber: Let's calm down, lass.

Thyra scoffs at them as the rest of her dragons waking up from the sound of their rider's voice. Icestorm and Blare growled at the vikings in the room, and Fennec quickly grabbed Tadpole and carried him to the pack. Toothless purred at the four dragons, mainly at Blare, as an attempt to calm them down, but Icestorm pushed him away with his tail, knocking Toothless to the ground.

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