The Eel Effect

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Things at Berk were not going too well... again

This time most of the Vikings were sick with Eel pox which is a pretty dangerous decease, its symptoms are: chills, sneezing, coughing, and delusions

The teens except for Astrid were at the academy getting ready to go at Healer's Island for the ingredients to make the cure

"You ready, gang?" Hiccup asked

"Ready to leave Berk during an island outbreak of Eel pox? Let me think, let me think, let me think, I would say a big fat yes" Snotlout said

"The sooner the better, I don't want to get sick" Tuffnut said

"And if he gets sick, I get sick" Ruffnut said

"You do?" Tuffnut asked

"Yeah, we're twins" Ruffnut said

"So, if I slap myself, you would feel the pain?" Tuffnut asked

"Definitely. Give it a try" Ruffnut said

"Cool" Tuffnut said before slapping himself, so Ruffnut pretended to feel the pain

"Do it again" she said, so Tuffnut slapped himself again and Ruffnut pretended to feel the pain "Do it again, harder"

"Glady" Tuffnut said and slapped himself yet again

"Okay, that's enough" Blake said "Is Eel pox really that bad? I don't think I've been sick with Eel pox. Well, is that or I don't remember it"

Then, Stoick entered the academy but he didn't look so good

"Hiccup!" he sneezed

"Dad, you should be resting up at the Great Hall" Hiccup said

"Nonsense" Stoick said before sneezing all over Snotlout "I wouldn't be grounded by the sniffles". Then, Stoick was about to sneeze again, so he looked away in order to avoid sneezing on his son but he sneezed all over Blake instead

"Ugh, that's disgusting" Blake muttered

Then, Astrid and Stormfly entered the academy with Gothi

"I've got the list of ingredients and it's a big one" Astrid said as Gothi showed them the big list

"Well then, we better get moving. That medicine it's not going to make itself" Hiccup said as he picked up his shield

"I should be going with you" Stoick said as he followed Hiccup but he sneezed again. Luckily, Hiccup blocked it with his shield

"Dad, Berk needs a healthy chief not a sick dragon rider. We can handle this" Hiccup said

"All right, I'll stay here with the rest of the village" Stoick said as the teens began to leave on their dragons "Be safe, Hiccup"

"When am I not safe?" Hiccup asked but Stoick just raised an eyebrow "Uh... don't answer that"


Some time later, they arrived at Healer's Island

"Okay, gang, we have a lot of ground to cover, so let's get to work" Hiccup said

The teens had to split up around the island in order to get the ingredients of the cure for Eel pox like Buckthorn Root lightly roasted. When Snotlout ripped of the root off the ground Hookfang roasted it immediately

Another ingredient was a dozen of Rock Blossoms which Meatlug happily looked for in exchange for a dozen of rocks

The Goatweed was another ingredient for the cure and it was pretty easy to get, so Astrid and Stormfly went for it. However, the Wild Daga Plant wasn't that easy to get

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