Free Scauldy

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Hiccup, Fishlegs and the twins were flying around the ocean looking for any sign of the Screaming Death. However, the twins weren't taking it seriously

"Guys, could you please put a lid on it? We're looking for the Screaming Death, low profile, remember the meeting?" Hiccup asked

"Yeah, but we had our own meeting" Tuffnut said before he and Ruffnut looked down "Oh, dangerous pointy rocks"

Then, they flew down towards the rocks

"How did we got stuck with this two?" Fishlegs asked

"Well, it was either them or Snotlout" Hiccup said

"Point taken" Fishlegs said

Meanwhile at Dragon Island, Astrid, Snotlout and Blake were flying above it, also looking for the Screaming Death

"Everything looks fine here" Blake said

"We'll better head to-" Astrid stopped when she realized that Snotlout was winking at her "Hey, the island is down there"

"But your eyes are up here" Snotlout said as he kept looking at Astrid

"What? what is it?" she asked starting to get annoyed

"I just found it interesting that you chose me to be your partner on the Screaming Death patrol" Snotlout said

"You do realize there weren't much chooses since you the last one to be chosen, do you?" Blake asked

"Yeah, but technically she still chose me" Snotlout said

"Let's just go to the next island" Astrid groaned frustrated

"The sooner we end this the sooner we'll go back home" Blake said feeling a bit uncomfortable


Back with Hiccup's team, they arrived to the next island

"Oh, great, Changewing Island" Fishlegs said

"Okay, guys, quick refresher, island full of ill-tempered, highly territorial and virtually invisible dragons" Hiccup said

"So we should buzz them" Tuffnut said

"Really rile them up" Ruffnut said

"I was thinking more of the lines of keeping our distance" Hiccup said

"I like the sound of that" Fishlegs said just before a roar was heard "I don't like the sound of that"

"Me neither but we'll still have to check it out" Hiccup said as he flew towards the island

"Whatever happened to the 'keep our distance' policy" Fishlegs said as he and the twins flew behind Hiccup but when they were close enough to the island and saw a Scauldron at the shore

"Whoa, that's a Scauldron" Hiccup said

"What's it doing on the land?" Fishlegs asked

"Catching some rays?" Tuffnut suggested

"Taking some alone time?" Ruffnut suggested

"Or maybe it's just waiting for unsuspected dragon riders to get too close, so it could blast them with scalding hot water?" Fishlegs suggested "Oh, just lovely"

"Actually, I think it might be hurt" Hiccup said noticing that some rocks were on the Scauldron's wing "Let's check it out"

They all flew towards the Scauldron and landed near-by

"Whoa, he is huge" Tuffnut said

"He could it me in one bite" Ruffnut said

"Let's see" Tuffnut said pushing his sister towards the Scauldron but she punched him "Or maybe not"

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