A Tale of Two Dragons

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It was a peaceful morning in Berk, nothing seemed out of usual until a horn was heard, so as fat as they could all of the teens got on their dragons

Astrid was flying towards the Great Hall until Snotlout flew pass her and almost kicked her off Stormfly's back

"Snotlout! What are you doing?!" Astrid yelled

"I'm sorry. Did I scare your girly dragon?" Snotlout asked not sounding too worried

"Out of my way, I have to get to the Great Hall" Astrid said

"No, you don't. I have to get the Great Hall, you have to get to the armory" Snotlout said

"Hiccup assigned me to the Great Hall yesterday, you heard him" Astrid said

"Tell you what, whoever gets there first gets to guard it" Snotlout said

"Fine by me" Astrid said just before Snotlout threw her a cod hitting her in the face "Snotlout!"

This also startled Stormfly making her shot some spikes almost hitting some Vikings in the process

"Ha, ha. Astrid, I thought you liked cod" Snotlout said but Astrid charged at him angrily "Oh no"

Stormfly and Hookfang slammed into each other and landed in the Great Hall, so seconds later all of the Vikings in there ran out as they panicked

Not too far away, Hiccup saw everything

"Oh, great, I can see my father's face already" he said

Indeed, Stoick wasn't very happy. All of the teens were reunited as the plaza being scolded by him

"When you told me you'll be running a Screaming Death attack drill I assumed you wouldn't actually try to destroy the entire village!" he said

"Technically, Chief, it was-" Fishlegs got interrupted when Blake covered his mouth

"Please don't say it, Fishlegs" he said

"Dad, this was supposed to be a practice but it got out of hand" Hiccup said "I'm sorry"

"Uh... a sorry doesn't unborn Silent Sven's chest hair" Gobber said, so they all looked at Silent Sven and realized it was true, his chest was still smoking

"No, it certainly does not" Stoick said before looking back at the teens "What brings me to your punishment"


Minutes later, the teens were at Mildew's cabbage field which not had rotted cabbages, big piles of dirt and rocks all over it

"Yuck, Mildew's cabbage field" Astrid complained

Fishlegs picked up a cabbage and sniffed it but he dropped it and covered his nose in disgust "This is revolting" he said

Then, the twins grabbed one cabbage each and began to eat them

"Actually, it's not that bad" Ruffnut said

"Yeah, don't judge until you try it" Tuffnut said before looking like he was about to throw up

"They are kind of right, it's not that bad once you get used to it" Blake said making everyone look at him "What? it's hard to plant stuff at Outcast Island, so much of the vegetables are not it a good state, so..."

"Uh... right... so, my dad wants this field cleared and ready for planting by the end of the week" Hiccup quickly said "Snotlout, Astrid, you break down and clear out the big boulders on the edge while-"

A new Boy in Berk: Defenders of BerkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora