The Night and the Fury

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At the academy the teens reunited to talk about a new training exercise

"Okay, gang. Over here" Hiccup called "Tomorrows training mission was actually Astrid's idea, so I will let her explain it"

The moment Astrid stepped forwards, the rest of the teens except Hiccup and Blake groaned annoyed

"What?" Astrid asked

"Your training missions are so hard" Fishlegs said

"They're not" Astrid said

"Hand to claw combat" Fishlegs said showing his bandaged hand that Meatlug licked

"Spine dodging" Snotlout said

"Hot lava swimming" Tuffnut added

"We never did that" Astrid said

"Yeah, but you should've it's way better than hand to claw combat" Tuffnut said

"Well, this mission is easy" Astrid said pointing at a map of Dragon Island "Dragon Island, you just have to go from this beach on the east side, to this cave in the west side"

When Astrid finished explaining the teens seemed to like the mission, at least until Astrid added more rules

"At night... with no camping gear... and no dragons" she said

"That's crazy!" Snotlout complained "What's the point?"

"To work our stealth skills and our wild dragon defense" Astrid explained

"Astrid's right, we all know how strong we are with our dragons, but we have to be able to survive and defend ourselves if we ever get separated" Hiccup explained

"Actually, I'm pretty sure that I have that part covered" Blake said rubbing the back of his head "But I'm sure that it'll be fun, besides. If I don't practice, my abilities will get rusty"

The other teens only groaned even more annoyed


The next night all of the teens flew to Dragon Island to start their training, each of them brought a lantern and a weapon to defend themselves, except from Blake, he only brought his Gronkle Iron spear

Hiccup brought his shield, Astrid brought her axe, Fishlegs brought a small hammer, the twins brought some spears, Snotlout brought a sword

"Okay, one of us is going to have to skip the drill and take the dragons to the cave in the other side of the island, that way they won't try to help us" Hiccup said

Immediately after that, a Nadder tried to attack them but Toothless and Stormfly attacked it making it fly away

"Just like that" Hiccup continued "Okay, so. Who's going to watch the dragons?"

"I think the obvious choice is-" Fishlegs got interrupted by Tuffnut "Me, I volunteer!" he said

"But I have way more dragon knowledge" Fishlegs said

"Yeah, from a book, but I... I feel it here, wait. Where is it?" Tuffnut asked before placing his hand in his stomach "In here, yeah. In my stomach, besides. I did say 'Me first'"

"I can't believe I'm saying this but Tuffnut is right" Hiccup sighed "Fishlegs, no one can argue with your dragon knowledge, but if Alvin attacks with wild dragons, we need to be able to face them any time of the day or night on your own, without help"

"I hate it when you make sense" Fishlegs muttered

Then the teens started to say goodbye to their dragons

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