When worlds collide

Start from the beginning

When Dede  presses the button on her bracelet, instead of being zapped up into her ship Sparky and X-5 appear next to them. "You guys can't be seen down here!" Dede gasped as she looked between her friends.

"Captain, we have an emergency." X-5 said, trying to explain why they were there.

Sparky however was not worried at all. "Relax. People will think we're wearing costumes."

"He has a point." Lapis said, seeing what sparky was on about as it was Halloween. "Sparky's face really does look like a Halloween mask." She jokes as sparky calls an offended 'hey!'.

X-5 ignored the two of them and grabbed Dedes attention again. "We have a message from Admiral DeGill." He opens his body and Admiral DeGill calls.

"Atomic Candy, your old nemesis, the Chameleon, has stolen the Scythian President's brain when it was out getting clean." Admiral DeGill says over the hologram call as he shows a picture of a brain in a jar. "He's flect to the furthest, most out-of-the-way planet he could find."

Dede now understood why Sparky and X-5 were down with her. "You mean Earth?! How insulting!"

"It's worse. He went to the most out-of-the-way town too." X-5 said, not needing to say which town.

"No way!" Dede gasped.

"Wow, what are the odds of that!?" Lapis asked rhetorically, not really looking for an answer.

Sparky was still really excited about this outcome though. "Way! I'm just thrilled to be here on Halloween!"

Admiral DeGill spoke up again, hoping that this mission will be sorted out quickly. "You must find him. The Scythian Starfeet is on its way. And they swore to attack wherever he hides."

As Dede and her crew are walking on the street, keeping an eye out for the chameleon, well, all except Sparky as he was busy eating a bag of popcorn. "Someone just gave me a bag of what I think is exploded corn! How do I get more?" Sparky asked, looking at Dede hoping to get an answer.

"Why would the Chameleon steal a brain?" Dede asked X-5, not paying attention to sparky and his need for more Candy.

"The Scythian President insulted Maximus by calling him a villain, when everyone knows he's a supervillain."

As X-5 was explaining this to Dede, the group of galactic guardians ran into Dedes earth friends, making Dede freak out a bit.

"Hey, Dede. Who are these guys?" Spinelli asked as they all looked at the newcomers.

"Um...These are my friends." Dede stutters, knowing she can't say their family as the group all know that Dede's parents were only children like she is.

Gus, noticing the 'costume' that X-5 was dressed up as, starts talking like a robot. "Greetings, fellow robot."

X-5 looks at Gus with confusion. "Why are you talking like that?"

"Robots talk like this." Gus says still in a robot voice.

"I do not talk like this." X-5 said in the robot voice, trying to prove his point.

"Yeah! That's more like it!" Gus said happily.

TJ looks closer at Sparky, a thoughtful face on. "Hey, haven't I seen you before?"

Sparky, knowing what TJ was on about, stops eating. "Nope. Never. Though Say if I wanted to get some of your Earth candy. How do I do it?"

"Yeah, you all look like you're from Dedes comic." Spinelli said, recognising the outfits.

"My friends are from out of town." Dede said, hoping that'll change the subject. "They don't celebrate Halloween as much."

The other seven nodded in understanding. "Just go to a door, knock and say trick or treat."  Mikey explains.

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