Chapter Thirteen

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(Taehyung's P.O.V)

In front if me was a completely shocking view.

Jungkook was trying very hard to prevent his father from smashing an empty beer bottle into his son's skull by grabbing his arms and trying not to let them get anywhere close to him. His father, Mr. Jeon, was crying and yelling heartbreaking things at Jungkook, who was crying as well, such as, "I'm so disappointed in you, you piece of shit." and "Why can't you just be normal?!" and the worst one of all, "I wish you'd never been born!"

Jungkook's weak and fragile arms fell to his sides as he stared at his father in disbelief. His mother was sobbing next to me, pleading for help. And I definitely didn't hesitate to run up to his father and punch him straight into the stomach. He coughed and stumbled back, glaring at me with dark eyes, roaring, "Who the hell are you?!"

I took a step back and I had to admit, I was a tiny, little bit scared of him. He stood up, grabbed my collar and pushed me up against the wall. Okay, scratch what I said. I was very scared of him.

"No, dad, please let him go! Please!" Jungkook basically begged, trying to pry his father's arms off my collar, tears pouring down his cheeks, hopelessness, despair visible in his dark, chocolate-like eyes.

And before I could do anything, I felt the beer bottle connect with my head. The bottle probably shattered into a thousand pieces at the heavy impact, but I couldn't quite feel it anymore. I fell back on my bottom, my back leaning against the warm wall.

My heart was pounding, my head hurting like hell. I couldn't quite figure what happened next; my vision was becoming blurrier every second, warm red liquid dropping from my head onto my thigh. Red? Was it red? Was it blood? Was I bleeding? Oh, no.

I figured the figure in front of me was Jungkook, and even though I couldn't exactly see him, I sorta knew he had that look of terror in his eyes, as he...screamed? Did he scream? Darn. I couldn't hear anything.

The last thing I felt was something warm pressing against my head, probably to stop it from bleeding. And then, everything went black.

* * *

(Jungkook's P.O.V)

The moment Taehyung fell after dad had smashed the beer bottle onto his head, I immediately ripped him away from Taehyung. Dad stumbled back and shot me an angry glare before grabbing my wrist harshly, "That's no way to treat your own father, you ungrateful little bitch!"

But at that moment, I couldn't care less about his insults. All that mattered was Taehyung. I tried to rip away from dad's grip and luckily, he let go of me immediately. I didn't know if it was the alcohol, or whatever, but he suddenly passed out and fell onto the floor, not moving one bit. And I was seriously disgusted when I saw his chest rising and sinking peacefully, as if this hadn't just happened. As if he hadn't just terribly hurt the person most important to his own son.

I quickly turned away from him and to Taehyung, who was sitting on the floor, his back leaning against the wall of my living room. I rushed over to him and grabbed his hand but he didn't seem to notice.

My eyes watered when I saw blood slowly dripping from his head. I turned around to tell my mom to call the ambulance, but when I did, she was already on the telephone, talking quickly. I sighed and turned back to Taehyung.

"Taehyung?" I whispered to see if he could hear me, but no response came from him.

Okay, now I was starting to panic. It was just a bottle, he couldn't be dead. ...Right?

"Taehyung!" I yelled, in hope he would hear me and do something. I didn't care what, just.. just something. But he wasn't moving.

I kept yelling his name, the blood refusing to stop flowing. No, no, please. Please, Taehyung couldn't die. He just couldn't. Please...

A few moments later, my mom came running to us, giving me a towel. "The wound," She said, panic written all over her face. Though, I probably looked even worse. I mean, you can't blame me, what would you have done if the person you loved was dying right in front of you?

I obeyed and pressed the towel onto the wound on his head. I watched him intensely, still whispering his name every now and then. And then, his eyelids shut. A tear left my eye, but I just pushed the towel more on his head. But it didn't seem to stop the bleeding at all.

From that point, everything went by in a haze.

I could already hear the sirenes of the ambulance from outside. The towel was soaked in blood when they came inside. My mom jumped up and explained everything to them, while two came over to Taehyung and me. I was reluctant to let them take him away, even though I knew they had to. But I didn't want them to; I didn't want to let go of Taehyung. Never.

My mom stared at us, while two of the men had to hold my screaming, crying self back as another took him away. Why was I screaming and crying? They were going to save Taehyung, so why didn't I want them to? Or weren't they going to save him? Was he going to die? Just like that? No, I wouldn't let him. He couldn't die.

And then it suddenly hit me: I shouldn't have met him. I shouldn't have wanted him to remember me, shouldn't have allowed him to get close to me again. If he hadn't known me, this wouldn't have happened. None of this; I wouldn't have tried to kill myself that day, he wouldn't be dying right now.

That was when I realized, that this, all of this, was entirely my fault. It was my fault for dumbly loving this person, for being so selfish, for being here.

"He'll be okay, Jungkook, don't worry." A voice tried to comfort me, though I was far too gone to figure out whose voice it was.

"No, he won't," I replied weakly, not looking at the owner of the voice, but instead just looking at the floor, several tears leaving my eyes. "He's going to die and then.. Then, I will die, too. A life without Taehyung is a stupid, worthless life that I don't want or need."

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my cheek. My eyes widened and now I recognized mom in front of me, tears pouring down her cheeks, pain visible in her eyes. "Don't say that," She managed, in between sobs. "He's not going to die and neither are you. Don't say things like that, everything will be okay. Everything will be fine and then you two can be happy forever, so stop crying and, and let's drive to the hospital."

I was gonna remind her that I wasn't the only one crying but I decided to shut up and nodded, wiping the tears off my cheeks. She smiled and nodded as well, "Good, come here."

She held me by my hand as we walked out of our house and only let go of it to get into the car, as I sat on the passenger seat. During the drive, nobody said anything and honestly, I was thankful for the silence. I didn't want to hear anything anymore. All I wanted to hear was the doctor proving my doubts wrong.

After she'd parked the car and we'd gotten out of it, we walked towards the huge building. She opened the door and I walked inside, her following me.

I waited as my mom was talking to the woman at the...what was it? Information stand thing? Whatever, wasn't important right now.

She came back after a while and sighed. "He's in surgery right now. Let's wait in the waiting room." I nodded.

We were the only ones in the waiting room, so we could sit wherever. I sat at the very back, my mom next to me. She had taken one of the magazines and was now reading it. I tried to look over the shoulder and saw it was something about super stars that I didn't give a damn about. So I sat back and just enjoyed the silence.

I was close to falling asleep when a woman came inside the waiting room and sat on one of the chairs a bit away from us. I didn't know her but I could see she was restless and worried. She probably had someone close to her in here, too. I felt bad for her but I was too busy blaming myself for what had happened to Taehyung to talk to her.

After what seemed like forever, a doctor finally came inside the waiting room. I sat straight and tapped my mom's shoulder, who then put the magazine away and was about to stand up, when the doctor suddenly said something that made not only my jaw drop but also my eyes widen and my mind spin.

He turned to the unfamiliar woman and said, "You're Mrs. Kim, right?"

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