Chapter Seven

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(Jungkook's P.O.V)

"You'll hate me." I replied, as I leaned my forehead against the door, tears pouring down my cheeks. Just the imagination of what would happen if he found out, made me hate myself. I knew he wouldn't hate me, but I also knew he would seriously murder that person, regardless of what I'd say. I really didn't care about that person, but if Tae did that, he'd end up in jail, and then I wouldn't be able to see him ever again, and just thinking about that scared me.

"Hey, Jungkook, what the hell are you saying? I'd never hate you and you know that." He answered, his deep voice all serious and demanding. I sighed, and unlocked the door, as my whole body was trembling.

"I know. God damn it, I know you would never hate me bu-" I was about to start yelling at him shortly after I'd opened the door, but he cut me off by cupping my wet cheeks and placing his lips on mine.

"Then why would you say something like that?" He then asked, after breaking the kiss, and laid his forehead on mine, staring deep into my eyes..

"If I tell you what happened, you'll get mad. Not at me, but at another person." I smiled slightly, "And as much as I love seeing you defend me, I'm pretty sure you'd go way too far. So please, please, promise me not to go and commit a crime once I tell you. Okay?"

"Just who was it? And what the hell did they do to you that you'd think something like that?" He asked quietly, before I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my room, locking the door. I pushed him onto the bed and sat beside him.

"It was," I took a deep breathe, before continuing, "Meena." I finally said, squeezing his hand tightly. He looked at me confusedly, "Meena? Who's that?" He asked and I leaned my head against his shoulder once again, because it gave me a quite comforting feeling, if that made sense.

"Remember the girl who claimed that I was planning to rape her, sometime in winter?" I tried to remind him. "Oh, her." He said, disgust audible in his voice.

"Yeah, her. Well..." I really wanted to tell Taehyung what she did to me, but it was really hard to talk about it. "She..kind of, made it true? But the other way aroun-" I wasn't able to finish the sentence, as Taehyung jumped up from the bad in fury. "She fucking raped you?" Yup, he was mad.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Almost." I whispered. "Please, Tae, don't be mad. Calm down, please." I tried to calm him down, and I could feel him wrap his arms around my waist, as he buried his face in my neck.

"Just what...What exactly did she do to you?" He asked and this time, it wasn't anger in his voice, but pain. Oh shit, I hadn't thought of that. Of course it was gonna hurt him as well. Just like it would hurt me if he was treated like that.

"Well...The most important thing is, I was able to prevent her from touching anything down there." I whispered, after hesitating for a bit. It wasn't just hard to talk about, it was kinda weird too. Especially with Taehyung's body so close to mine, it was embarrassing as well.

"Thank god," He breathed. And I smiled and hugged him as tightly as I could. "Yeah, thank god." I agreed with him.

"But you won't like seeing what else she did." I then stated, and he looked up at me, looking straight into my eyes. "What?"

I pushed him away from me and pulled off my shirt, revealing my bare chest, which was covered in hickeys. She was 'careful' not to leave any on my neck, so nobody would see, but didn't spare my chest. Tears were rolling down my cheeks, as Taehyung stared at the hickeys blankly.

He quickly spinned around and was about to unlock the door, when I hugged him from behind. "Tae, please." I managed in between sobs.

He was now hesitant to open the door. I tried to pull him away from it, and luckily succeeded, before I pushed him back onto the bed. He stared at my face, as I quickly leaned in and gave him a long kiss. He grabbed my arms and pulled me onto him, so I was now kind of sitting on his lap, as he deepened the kiss.

He then pulled away suddenly. "Jungkook, I love you so much, and no matter what the hell happens, I will always love you and never, ever leave you. I'd never do anything you don't want me to, you got that?"

I nodded at that quickly, and kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his neck. I loved him too, so so much. And at that moment, I needed him more than anything.

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